Saturday Morning Activities
Buttonwood 2009 Meet & Greet - Saturday Morning Activities
Tips & Mods Discussion starting @ 10 AM (1 hour) in the Group Tent Area
Come prepared to share a camping/traveling tip or modification to your trailer that makes your camping trips and/or your trailer more enjoyable.
Problem Solving Discussion starting @ 11 AM (1 hour) in the Group Tent Area
Come prepared with a problem with your trailer, tow vehicle, trips, campgrounds or travels to share with the group to help resolve or mention a problem you had in the past and how you resolved it.
We will keep track of all the tips, mods and problems and their solutions that get discussed, input them into the computer when we get home, and then post the results on the forum for all to see.
2007 Sunline T2499 4" lift w/03
2011 Chevy Avalanche
1988 Sunline 1850 Satellite
Rob and Kathy H