3rd Annual Buttonwood Meet & Greet
There's still time to make your reservation for this year's Buttonwood M&G Rally.
There are no sites avalable on the Top,
but there are still plenty of sites availabe on the Riverside.
So call today to make your reservation.
Friday – Sunday, June 12 – 14, 2009
Note, It was decided at the 2008 M&G that the Buttonwood M&G would be the 2nd week-end of June each year from now on.
(That is starting on the 2nd Friday of June, to avoid confusion during the years where June 1st is on a Sat. or Sun)
See the
Annual Buttonwood M&G post for more details and specific dates for future Buttonwood M&Gs.
Buttonwood Campground
River Road
Mexico, PA 17056
(717) 436-8334
Lat = 40.5339; Long = -77.3550
Directions to Buttonwood from the US22/US322 Port Royal Exit
From U.S. Routes 22 & 322, take Route 75 (Port Royal Exit).
At flashing red light, turn left to Mexico,
Go ½ mile, take 1st right after Mexico Market,
follow signs to Campground
Caution - it's very easy to drive by the road to Buttonwood; Chrysler Dealer is before Mexico Mart on the right. Road (300'+/-) after Mexico Mart to Buttonwood Y's off to the right. There is a sign with an arrow, though the last few years it’s been some what obstructed by brush. The road is narrow through the neighborhood. At the end of the road turn right and Buttonwood is on your right.
Attendees: Periodically check out the 2009 Buttonwood M&G Information post to see a complete list and easy access to informational and activity sign-ups posts for the Buttonwood M&G. This list will be updated as additional posted are generated in the near future.
Tentative Activities:
(this year we'll incorporate some changes based on suggestions from previous years attendees)
Welcome Social Friday night - coordinator Hutch
Silent Auction Friday night during Welcome Social (it will be based on donations from attendees) - coordinator Hutch
Door Prizes Friday & Saturday nights - coordinator Hutch
Golfing -
Saturday 7AM Tee Time - coordinator Dave (aka Irishcamper)
Pancake Breakfast Saturday - coordinators Dave & Jill (aka JDKuz), Rich (aka hiller 64), & Mary (aka MAHutch)
Tips & Mods Discussion -
Saturday AM - Moderators Kathy & Rob (aka Kathyh)
Problem Solving Discussion -
Saturday AM - Moderators Kathy & Rob (aka Kathyh)
Aerial Picture -
Saturday Noon - Coordinator Jason (aka Lode)
Kayaking Saturday Afternoon - coordinator Hutch (don't forget your whistles )
Uno/Card tourney -
Saturday Afternoon - coordinators Frank & Sharon (aka nasa42a)
WD Hitch Setup -
Saturday Afternoon @ Site 113 - presenter John (aka JohnB) Discussion on controlling sway and Reese DC adjustment
Pot-Luck Dinner Saturday - coordinator Hutch (will include Appetizers, Salads, Side Dishes, Entries, & Deserts – grilling by choice)
Give & Take Table Saturday night (Bring your items that are in good shape that are looking for a new home) - coordinator Pam (aka Tweety)
Traditional Farewell Bag Omelet Breakfast Sunday - coordinator Hutch; Helpers Jay (aka Markers Mark) & Greg (aka Mooney)
Country Roads Bike Ride -
Sunday AM - Guided by Steve (aka Mr. Tweety)
Nightly Camp Fires -
Fri. Sat. & Sun. - Greg & Dave (aka Mooney & GhettoMedic) Brothers in Arms will man the nightly fires
Coach Tours -
Fri. Sat. & Sun.
Others tbd
Keep the ideas and suggestions coming!
For people returning from the 2008 Buttonwood M&G and are on the same site in 2009 as 2008 - keep your name tags, you can use them again.
If you make a reservation, please post under this topic your
site #,
nights reserved,
names of those attending, and
your home location (i.e., your Town & State, if it's not in your profile)
Confirmed Reservation List:
# Site # - Forum Name (# Attendees - real names) – Coach - (Nights Reserved)
Top Sites SOC Reserved:
Site # 54 - Lode (2 - Jason & Kim) – 1992 T-2053 - (TFS)
Site # 55 - henryj (2 - Henry & Karen) - 2005 T-2499 - (FSS)
Site # 56 - clarkldc (2 - Larry & Wendy) - 2007 T-2499 (TFSS)
Site # 57 - Poppy & Nana (2 - Kathy & Leo) - 2007 T-2499 - (TFS)
Site # 58 - gary & mary (3 - Gary, Mary & grandson Prince) - 2005 T-2553 - (FS)
Site # 59 - Like2Camp (2 - Bill & Marilyn) - 2003 F-344SR - (FSS)
Site # 60 - maryamore (2 - Dale & Mary) - 2006 T-3075 - (FS)
Site # 61 - sunnyseagull (4 - Dan , Debbie, Tanner and Camron) - 2005 T-264SR - (FSS)
Site # 62 - rebellious78 (2 - David & Mary Ann) - 2006 T-264SR (FSSM)
Site # 63-64 - delcon88 (4 - Paul & Terri; Ashley & Mariah) - 2003 F-345SR (FS)
Site # 65 - Poor Man Campin' (5 - Brad, Amy, Shelby, Danielle, & Jessica)- 2000 T-2670 - (TFSS)
Site # 66 - purplesuebug (2 - Marshall & Sue) - 1980 10½’ SS Sunspot - (FSS)
Site # 67 - What6308/tinybluetj (3 - Andrew, Kathryn, & Corinne)
Site # 68 - HappyCampers (2 - Lowell & Amanda) - 2003 F-304SR - (TFS)
Site # 69 - Kathyh (2 - Rob & Kathy) - 2007 T-2499 - (FSS)
Site # 70 - Wgeorgell (2 - George & Judy) - 2003 T-2499 - (FS)
Site # 71 -
Check with Buttonwood on availability
Site # 72 (or Site # R70) - lpbiller (2 - Larry & Pam) - ??? - (FS)
Site # 73 - PRS (4 - Loretta & Phil (Kevin & Ashley - FS)) - 2007 T-2363 - (TFSS)
Site # 74 - Bird (2 - Mike & Laurie) - 2004 T-2570 - (FSS)
Site # 75 - ........ (2 - Bob & Karen) - 2001 Fleetwood Prowler 25W - (FS)
Site # 76 - dan&deb (3 - Dan, Deb, & Penny) - 1989 T-220 StarRay (FS)
Site # 77 - BobNKaren (2 - Bob & Karen) - 2003 T-2363 - (TFSS)
Site # 78 - ........ (2 - Linda and Billy) - 1987 T-2153 - (FS)
Site # 79 - Wanda~Lust (2 - Randy & Carol) - 1981 1550SB - (TFS)
Site # 80 - frank (2 - Frank & Kathy) - 2002 T-2363 - (FS)
Site # 81 - Makers Mark (2 - Jay & JoLynne) - 2002 T-2363 (TFSS)
Site # 82 - nasa42a (2 - Frank & Sharon) - 2008 22' HiLo - (FS)
Site # 83 - Tweety (2 - Pam & Steve) - 2006 T-2753 – (TFSS)
Site # 84 - PTHutch/MAHutch (2 - Tom & Mary) – 2005 T-280SR – (TFSS)
Site # 85 - Holly (2 - Hope & Richard) - 2003 T-1950 - (FSSM)
Site # 86 - 264SRinPA (2 - Mike & Roz) - 2006 T-264SR – (TFSS)
Site # 87 - MACK C-85/mdfiregal (4 - George, Carol, Becky, & Ray) - 2007 T-276SR - (FS)
Site # 88 - KanyonKitty (2 - Bonnie (Kitty) & Gary) - 2006 T-2499 - (TFSS)
Site # 89 - Hvolt1 (2 - Bob & Deb) - 2006 T-1950 - (FS)
Site # 90 - 2beagles (2 - Chris & Tara) - 1996 T 2370 - (TFS)
Site # 91 - ... (? - Randy) - ??? - (FS)
Site # 92 - Tim & Jill (2 - Tim & Jill) - 2007 T-276SR (FS)
Site # 93 - GhettoMedic (2 - Dave & Katie) - 1981 19.5 SB - (TFSS)
Site # 94 - vcrt (2 - Rich & Barbara) - 1992 T-2470 - (FS)
Site # 95 - ... (? - Rick) - ??? - (FS)
Site # 96 - Trailblazer (2 - Bill & Debbie) - 2005 T-2753 (FSS)
Site # 97 - 2 Wheelers (2 - Dave & Debbie) - 2006 T-2553 - (TFS)
Site # 98 - hiller 64 (2 - Rich & Barb) - 2006 T-2499 - (FSS)
Site # 99 - Both2Retired (2 - John & Jeanne) - 2007 T-2753 - (FS)
Site # 102 - Mooney (2 - Kelly & Greg) - 2005 T-2380 - (TFSS)
Site # 103 - Irishcamper (2 - Dave & Sue) - 2007 T-195SR - (TFS)
Site # 104 - Mike (2 - Mike & Sue) - 2007 T-264SR - (TFS)
Site # 105 - Al in PA (2 - Al & Helen) - 2007 T-2553 - (FS)
Site # 106 - Ray and Lynn from PA (2 - Ray & Lynn) - 2007 T-195SR - (TFS)
Site # 107 - ....... (2 - Art & Jan) - 2004 T-264SR - (FS?)
Site # 108 - have2camp (2 - Beth & Mark) - 1999 T-2753 - (FS?)
Site # 109 - ....... (? - John & ?) - ??? - ???
Site # 110 - jsms264 (4 - Joe, Sandy, Matt, Shannon and Lola (Lhasa Apso) - 2005 T-264SR (FSS)
Site # 111 - Lovemy317sr (5 - Peter, Elaine, Emily, Adam & Rebekah) - 2003 T-317SR (FS)
Site # 112 - Sunline Fan / JDKuz (3 - Jon, Jill, & Dave) - 2007 T-286SR - (TFSS)
Site # 113 - JohnB (2 - John & Cindy) - 2004 T-310SR - (TFSS)
Riverside Sites SOC Reserved:
Still plenty of room on the Riverside to make your reservation.
Current number of attendees: 56 Sites; 133 attendees (116 Adults; 17 Kids)
Please let me know if I've recorded anything incorrectly.
Provinces & States Represented:
Total States Represented: 12
Represented States & # Units
State - #
CT ... 2
MA ... 3
MD ... 6
ME ... 1
MI .... 1
NJ .... 1
NY .... 5
OH .... 1
PA .. 26
TN .... 1
VA .... 2
WV ... 2
Total Provinces Represented: 1
Represented Provinces & # Units
Province - #
ON ... 2
Site Maps: