11-02-2010, 06:20 PM
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Ohio
Posts: 12,904
SUN #89
Frank, Very Cool  Nice job.
What are you using to trim out the doors and windows? A carbide bit with a bearing in the end in the router? It looked like the dirt shadow of the route base.
The front edging aluminum corners, H’mm I remember seeing the Sunline factory pics I think here on SOC that showed them having the top 2 to 3 feet on the camper and then the balance 8 plus feet hanging out in the open.
I found it, see here
It looks like they screwed on the top piece then “maybe” bent it by hand to the next section??? Try it on a mock up first…. But what ever they did it did not seem to be pre-bent.
Good luck and keep up the good work
Current Sunlines: 2004 T310SR, 2004 T1950, 2004 T2475, 2007 T2499, 2004 T317SR
Prior Sunlines: 2004 T2499 - Fern Blue
2005 Ford F350 Lariat, 6.8L V10 W/ 4.10 rear axle, CC, Short Bed, SRW. Reese HP trunnion bar hitch W/ HP DC
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11-02-2010, 09:12 PM
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Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 351
SUN #549
Originally Posted by JohnB
Frank, Very Cool  Nice job.
What are you using to trim out the doors and windows? A carbide bit with a bearing in the end in the router? It looked like the dirt shadow of the route base.
The front edging aluminum corners, H’mm I remember seeing the Sunline factory pics I think here on SOC that showed them having the top 2 to 3 feet on the camper and then the balance 8 plus feet hanging out in the open.
I found it, see here
It looks like they screwed on the top piece then “maybe” bent it by hand to the next section??? Try it on a mock up first…. But what ever they did it did not seem to be pre-bent.
Good luck and keep up the good work
Thanks John!
On the windows and doors, you guessed it, carbide flush trim bit in the router. We put some masking tape on the siding around the area to prevent scratching and had the router speed dialed down almost as slow as it goes. The first time I used an old bit I had hanging around from formica work, which had a 1/2" diameter cutter. Cut fine but made a gigantic mess. Traded that for a 1/4" diameter cutter and there's still a mess of shavings but it's a whole lot less.
The factory tour image didn't come through, but I think I know where they are so I will take a peek. When I get back next week (we're taking the Sunline out for a few days this weekend) I'd like to pick your brain a bit on that trim and sealing it...
- Frank
11-02-2010, 10:58 PM
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Ohio
Posts: 12,904
SUN #89
Look up member: "Sunlineclub" and then see the albums under that screen name. it has the factory pics
Here is the raw image url. It should fire off. http://www.sunlineclub.com/forums/me...picture312.jpg
Odd you cannot see the posted image. I can on my lap top. Here I used the Postage stamp to add the img commads as before I typed them in.
Current Sunlines: 2004 T310SR, 2004 T1950, 2004 T2475, 2007 T2499, 2004 T317SR
Prior Sunlines: 2004 T2499 - Fern Blue
2005 Ford F350 Lariat, 6.8L V10 W/ 4.10 rear axle, CC, Short Bed, SRW. Reese HP trunnion bar hitch W/ HP DC
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11-04-2010, 10:04 AM
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SUN #43
Great Job!!!! Looks like you are on the home stretch now for finishing this project.
2018 GMC Denali 3500HD Dually
2018 Grand Design 384GK
2003 F311SR
2005 T-2753
11-07-2010, 06:04 PM
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SUN #1056
There should be no need to notch the front corner trim. I worked on the "roof rack" for a while. The whole process worked from the roof down. We put the roof on then the top three pieces of the side siding. Then we added the top piece on the front and back. Next went the rain gutter. The back corner piece was bent on a jig for trailers with a curved top corner and v cut for trailers with right angle corners. We overlapped the corner trim and the gutter by an inch or so. The rubber insert got layed under the trim and the first screw would hold it in place. The front corner piece was just gently bent as we went down. Even the tighter corner at the bottom of the front was just bent, carfully. Rubber mallets and wood blocks will make it go anywhere you want it to.
11-13-2010, 09:18 AM
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Posts: 473
SUN #395
Wow Frank....looking good. I wish I had the skill set you guys have. Amazing project, I love following along.
Lowell, Amanda, Marley, and Winnie
1996 T-2053 (First Sunline "Little One")
2001 T-295SR (Favorite Sunline)
2003 F-304SR (Last Sunline "The Big One")
1985 T-1650 (Current Sunline)
2004.5 Dodge Ram 3500 5.9 HO Cummins
11-19-2010, 10:53 AM
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Posts: 351
SUN #549
Thanks everyone!
Here's a real quick update. We took off the weekend of the 5th and 6th so that Kathy and I could take the Sunline down to DC for our wedding anniversary.
On the 13th, we were back to work. Saturday we installed the doorstop so we could open the door without worry, and then got the trim on the rear corners and then across the roof in the rear. Sunday we tried to install the trim on the front corners, but it refused to make the bend. First we tried bending it on the trailer, which didn't work - the side leg blew out and buckled badly. Then I made up a quick jig and tried bending it off the trailer - same result. Finally I cut a 2' long piece and we cut the side leg down from 3/4" to 3/8" and it made the bend perfectly. Cutting the leg down on a couple of 8' pieces of trim didn't sound like much fun, so I ordered 2 pieces of 3/8" leg stuff through the local RV dealer, it will be in on Tuesday the 23rd.
Since we couldn't finish the trim, I had my brother work on installing some of the cargo doors as well as the power cord access door and the fresh water tank fill door. He also got the city water inlet installed. While he was doing that, I got the tail lights and the 11(!) required marker lights installed. Installing 11 of those lights is absolutely the definition of monotony!
Here's some pictures from last week...
Front cargo door being installed:
The rear trim:
Here's the road side of the trailer showing another cargo door, tank fill, power cord door, and city water inlet. You can also see the rear trim installed and a couple of lights:
Close-up of the road side front half:
And the rear half:
Here's some shots from right after I finished all the light fixtures. It was a bit past dark and getting cold quick - you can see the dew forming all over the cold siding:
Should look a lot better without the duct tape on the front corners once the trim arrives.  I'll go back and trim the excess butyl tape from around the doors and trim once it is all installed.
Right now I'm debating what to do this weekend. I'm leaning towards installing the stuff on the roof before the weather turns cold. Not sure how cold it can get before the lap sealant doesn't want to set up. Hoping for one more nice weekend after this one so we can finish up the outside and it will be weather tight for the winter. Once that is done we can always turn a heater on inside to work on some of the smaller stuff.
11-20-2010, 08:25 AM
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Ohio
Posts: 12,904
SUN #89
Looking good Frank!
It's amazing what we can do with duct tape for a quick temporary patch. I did the same thing on my slide corners this spring between weekends to keep the water out under the tarp.
H'mm so the bend did not work on the edging up front. Bummer. Good heads up. Aluminum can be tough to bend some times. It is not like mild steel that is more predictable. A metal formed roll may have helped top and bottom on the bend but unless you have a buddy with a lathe that is complex and expensive to get for 6 bends.
Did you find any decals on your hunt this summer? The pure white sort of looks naked... Looks good just it is amazing how a few decals dresses them up. I remember seeing the pics of EMAM's T2499 when the picked up up from General with zero graphics on it. For sure different. After he had his custom graphics put on it for sure changed the look.
Your doing great.
Oh temperate on Dicor. On my 2004 T2499 Sunline had a bad batch of roof vents that rusted like crazy. They where still in businesses then and once I sent them a pic, 3 new roof vents showed up and the Dicor to use with them. In talking with Larue she stated there is no temperature requirement on Dicor however to keep the tube in the house until you go to use it so it flows out the caulk gun OK.
See here and note the dates
And here is the T310SR in the spring. Lucky for me I bought both 2004 models with the same inherent bad batch of roof vents....
Now having done outside Dicor work in the cold and summer, both work. But in the winter be extra good on the caulk job as the self leveling flow is for sure reduced. It stiffens up quicker. I would for sure make sure it is at least above freezing outside but it will cure up once exposed to air with no ill effects that I have found.
Keep up the good work. Glad Kathy and you where able to get out again.
Current Sunlines: 2004 T310SR, 2004 T1950, 2004 T2475, 2007 T2499, 2004 T317SR
Prior Sunlines: 2004 T2499 - Fern Blue
2005 Ford F350 Lariat, 6.8L V10 W/ 4.10 rear axle, CC, Short Bed, SRW. Reese HP trunnion bar hitch W/ HP DC
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11-22-2010, 08:20 PM
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Michigan
Posts: 854
SUN #115
So I've spent the last hour reading all 10 pages and I'm completely amazed and beyond impressed with you and your brothers skills.
Cindy and I toured the Sunline Factory to see our 2499 being built, and the work you're doing is right up there with what we saw out of the factory!!
Cant wait to see this completed and you both out camping
11-24-2010, 11:13 AM
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Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 351
SUN #549
Thanks John. The dicor did work out OK. Was warm enough that it leveled out nicely and skinned over within an hour. It was still soft 24 hours later, but seems to be alright.
Decals, yes it needs something badly. The windows and such should break things up a bit and make it look a little less sterile, but it will still need something. There were tons of stripes and graphics around Elkhart and I tried taking pictures and sending them to him at night to pick something, but it's dark in a lot of those places and just didnt work out. Just last week I ran into a guy at a friends shop who is experienced in the sign industry. He's getting ready to head out on his own and just purchased a couple of vinyl cutters. He offered to help us out with that work in the spring, so now I just need my brother to figure out what he wants on it.
Originally Posted by emam
So I've spent the last hour reading all 10 pages and I'm completely amazed and beyond impressed with you and your brothers skills.
Cindy and I toured the Sunline Factory to see our 2499 being built, and the work you're doing is right up there with what we saw out of the factory!!
Cant wait to see this completed and you both out camping
Thanks, Pat! Glad you like it. Hopefully you and Cindy will make it up to the east coast for a M&G at some time in the near future, would love to show it you in person!
- Frank
11-24-2010, 11:15 AM
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SUN #549
Here's a quick little update from this past weekend. My brother and father came down on Saturday so we could get everything mounted up on the roof. My father and I worked on the roof stuff, and my brother worked on installing a few more of the exterior doors.
A shot down the road side. Up front is a standard 14" crank-up vent, then the radio antenna, the grey tank vent, the skylight dome over the shower, a fan-tastic fan in the bathroom, and hiding behind that is the black tank vent.
Over on the door side is the crank-up TV antenna, and obviously the big thing in the center is the A/C.
Another door side shot, this one from the rear, better shows the black tank vent towards the back.
The A/C shroud is the same one I posted many months back that was all busted up and in need of some repair. A refresher:
The A/C install itself was very easy with the exception of removing the now almost 20 year old gasket from the base. I think it took 2 hours to change the gasket and 20 minutes to install the rest of the A/C.
The repair came out pretty good. The replacement louver I had molded up isn't perfect, but it looks just fine from the ground. The black repair material was a little tricky to get covered with white paint, but it worked out in the end. After a thorough cleaning, the shroud was scuffed good with a grey scotch brite bad, then cleaned again and shot with a coat of Bulldog adhesion promoter. Once that dried, it got two coats of white primer and two coats of white paint, all Krylon rattle cans.
My brother got the rear cargo door installed and the outdoor "entertainment" panel next to the entry door. The rear cargo door was a tough one, apparently we made the opening just a tiny bit too small, so it took a while to get that one fit:
Then we headed inside and cut the interior shrouds to fit and got those installed. The front vent:
The A/C shroud. This was also cleaned up, scuffed and painted bright white. The "output" grilles are not yet installed in this pic. Right next to it there is the crank for the TV antenna:
And back in the bathroom is the fan-tastic fan:
Right after that, as it started to get dark, somebody smacked a pole around the corner, knocking out the power. We fired up a couple of lanterns, cleaned up and called it a day.
Sunday I got out and eternabonded the front roof seam. White on white is kind of hard to see, but it's there. I also installed Maxx-Air II covers over the vent and fan-tastic fan, and finally finished up with the lap sealant across the rear trim:
The new front trim I ordered came in yesterday, so I'll be picking that up this afternoon along with some more butyl tape. The plan is to finish the front trim and the gutters this weekend and get the last three exterior light fixtures installed so the trailer is weathertight. Time permitting we will hopefully get a few windows in as well.
We're finally at the point where a punch list is feasible. For a long time it was just easier to have it say "To Do: EVERYTHING!" but now we're down to maybe 20 or so tasks, a lot of which are interior and can be done in any weather with the heat running.
- Frank
11-24-2010, 08:26 PM
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Ohio
Posts: 12,904
SUN #89
Super Job Frank!! Just Super
Current Sunlines: 2004 T310SR, 2004 T1950, 2004 T2475, 2007 T2499, 2004 T317SR
Prior Sunlines: 2004 T2499 - Fern Blue
2005 Ford F350 Lariat, 6.8L V10 W/ 4.10 rear axle, CC, Short Bed, SRW. Reese HP trunnion bar hitch W/ HP DC
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01-07-2011, 04:02 PM
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Posts: 351
SUN #549
Short days, cold weather, snow, and the holidays have slowed us down considerably, but we're still plugging along as much as possible.
Right around Thanksgiving time, the new front corner trim I ordered came in. We got that installed along with the gutters and awning rail right away. The new trim was much more cooperative around the bends. The top bend was still a tough one to do, but at least with the shorter side leg of this stuff it was actually possible. I also installed the last remaining trim strip across the front of the roof and got that all sealed up with dicor.
Once that was done, I had my brother working on getting the windows and other through the siding stuff in place. While he was doing that, I was able to get the remainder of the outside lighting complete, and then my father and I finished the LP plumbing from the trunk up to the appliances. Here's some pics!
From the door side, now with windows and a porch light:
The rear, with the window and the door/vent for the refrigerator:
The street side, with the windows, furnace vent and side light fixture:
The front with the dual LP rack installed and covered, plus a light up front to make nighttime hitch/lp work easier:
A few other angles of the trailer, still a ton of butyl tape to trim when it warms up a little. The front trim is still hanging long and needs to be trimmed. Also one of the pictures shows the LP rack uncovered:
All the appliances have been plumbed into the LP with the exception of the water heater. That needs to be installed after the inserts are installed on the couch, and those still need polyurethane. For now, the line is run and plugged. The furnace works just fine and does a great job of heating the trailer. 70F inside is no problem at all with the outside temperature in the low 20's. Even in those conditions, the furnace does not run excessively, so I guess we did OK with the insulation. I have started adding a small run of flex duct off the furnace into the bathroom so we have no issues keeping it warm in there with the door closed, you can see some of the flex duct in this shot, I'll get a better one once I bend up the rest of the ductwork:
Since you can't see the furnace making heat in a picture, this one will have to do - cooking with gas!
A couple of weeks back we got the fresh tank mounted back up underneath and started running the hoses to it. Yesterday we finished that up, mounted the pump and got it all connected. The pump and these hoses are all located under the table between the couch and the closet, so this is all hidden and will be accessible through a small door. If you look closely you can see a 3-way valve to add antifreeze for winterizing and behind the price tag is a pump inlet strainer. The section of rigid PVC was used to make the relatively tight bends required to get through the floor and down to the tank as 1.25" hose is not very flexible. The pump wiring still needs cleaned up:
Here's the fresh tank underneath. It is supported by a couple of lengths of unistrut suspended on threaded rod. Everything is to be lockwashered and double-nutted to make sure it stays where I put it. I still need to install a cross brace between the two pieces of unistrut, tighten it all down and cut the rods to length.
This picture attempts to show the connections, it's tough to get a picture under there. You can see the LP trunk with the copper tubing running up through the floor to the appliances. The smaller clear hoses off the tank are vent, drain, and pump feed. The tank fill is kind of hidden in the back there. The hoses are a little long and need to be cut down a bit and secured so everything isn't rubbing into everything else.
This hose bibb is the fresh water tank drain:
Late yesterday we did the dump valves and piping. Sorry for the dark pictures, it was quite a bit past sunset and a drop light doesnt make for good photography. Here's the valve:
And the dump plumbing from the tanks underneath. Both pipes have approximately 1/4" per foot slope. The smaller pipe for the grey tank still needs an additional hanger installed, I was one short. The hanging wires are for the tank level sensors and the brakes, finishing both of those are on my list for next time.
Finally, here's a few pictures inside with the windows installed. Sorry about the clutter, a lot of this stuff had been stored in the house and had to move out here for the holidays.
More soon as long as the weather cooperates!
- Frank
01-07-2011, 08:27 PM
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Location: New York
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SUN #93
Leo and I were driving out to Syracuse yesterday to the RV show when I started to talk about you and your project......I told Leo you hadn't posted in awhile and I was guessing it was the holidays.....glad your back on the project....it makes for very interesting reading!!!!
Kathy & Leo SUN 093
Central Adirondacks of New York
2013 Rubicon 2900 Toy Hauler
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01-07-2011, 09:34 PM
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Ohio
Posts: 12,904
SUN #89
Frank, doing really great!!!
One request, send some of that nicer camper mod'ing weather west...  LOL....We had only 3 days in the entire month of December and now January is back to 15 and snow on the ground. Do not know if I will get much of anything done this weekend. Hopefully you can.
Keep up the good work
Current Sunlines: 2004 T310SR, 2004 T1950, 2004 T2475, 2007 T2499, 2004 T317SR
Prior Sunlines: 2004 T2499 - Fern Blue
2005 Ford F350 Lariat, 6.8L V10 W/ 4.10 rear axle, CC, Short Bed, SRW. Reese HP trunnion bar hitch W/ HP DC
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01-08-2011, 07:12 AM
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 249
SUN #809
Originally Posted by JohnB
One request, send some of that nicer camper mod'ing weather west...  LOL....We had only 3 days in the entire month of December and now January is back to 15 and snow on the ground. Do not know if I will get much of anything done this weekend. Hopefully you can.
John, same here in Michigan. December was brutal, at least 10-15 degrees below normal the entire month. Then we had a few warm days right before new year, but now back to below normal temps with snow on the ground.
I guess I can tolerate it JUST AS LONG as the summer is nice, warm, and sunny. Last summer was amazing, but the one before that was miserable. I don't know about you guys down there, but here it seems like we either get in a rut of below-normal temps for a LONG time, or above normal temps for a long time. Meaning, the average temp rarely occurs and the mode is probably nowhere near the average!
Back to Frank, awesome job, I continue to be amazed, and starting to get sad that the project is nearing completion. I've really enjoyed watching this take shape!
Jeff, Laurie, + kids
Three time former Sunline owner
2011 Big Horn 3670RL Fifth Wheel
2012 Chevrolet Silverado 3500HD D/A DRW, Classy Chassis Conversion, aka "Garage Queen II"
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01-09-2011, 09:29 PM
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Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 351
SUN #549
Originally Posted by Poppy & Nana
Leo and I were driving out to Syracuse yesterday to the RV show when I started to talk about you and your project......I told Leo you hadn't posted in awhile and I was guessing it was the holidays.....glad your back on the project....it makes for very interesting reading!!!!
Thanks Kathy! Kathy & I were just talking about you guys today and how we'd like to get back up to Nick's lake again this year.
Originally Posted by JohnB
Frank, doing really great!!!
One request, send some of that nicer camper mod'ing weather west...  LOL....We had only 3 days in the entire month of December and now January is back to 15 and snow on the ground. Do not know if I will get much of anything done this weekend. Hopefully you can.
Keep up the good work
Thanks John! Unfortunately, the weather hasn't been that good here either. It's been quite cold, we got hit with over a foot of the "white crap" the day after Christmas, and got another 4" yesterday. Now they are talking about the potential for another heavy snowfall on Tuesday.
So far, the mantra has been bundle up and get it done. I was laying under the trailer the other night doing the dump plumbing and it was like 25 degrees out. ABS glue is not a lot of fun in the cold weather, it runs and drips everywhere. I had to drag the little buddy heater under there and use the heat gun to get the stuff to set in a reasonable amount of time.
Originally Posted by ihsolutions
Back to Frank, awesome job, I continue to be amazed, and starting to get sad that the project is nearing completion. I've really enjoyed watching this take shape!
Thanks Jeff, there's still a bunch of little things to do, but we are certainly getting there. I was hoping we would have had it completed a couple of months ago, but with only being able to get a day or two max of work time a week, and things tending to take longer than planned it just didn't happen. I don't see any problems with getting it out in the spring though.
- Frank
01-29-2011, 09:02 PM
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Posts: 351
SUN #549
We got a few hours in 2 weeks ago and again today, so here's a quick update.
Installed the shower surround and got the shower plumbing finished up. I found this surround when I was out in Elkhart for $30 (vs. the $200 to get the tub matching one thru the local dealer). It was intended for a 4" shower pan and not a tub, so the surround was way too tall and a fraction of an inch too deep. It's made of plastic so we carefully cut it to fit with the air shears.. As a result the design is no longer centered top to bottom, but I don't think most people would notice..  The edges that meet with the paneling were trimmed in with FRP cap molding and the top was trimmed with that "sealing trim" they sell on a roll that is supposed to replace caulk (this stuff: Magic American Products Sink & Vanity Sealer Trim, White, 1/2" x 11'). All said and done I'm happy with the way it turned out:
The rear of the shower valve. This will get a cover plate shortly:
Made up a cover to hide the plumbing that ran along the bathroom wall behind the toilet. The vent pipe access will also get a cover plate soon:
The louvered cover for the furnace was brown and getting a little rusty. I took it down to a friend's shop and procured his blast cabinet for an hour to strip it and then got it painted up black:
Also got a duct ran off the furnace into the bathroom. Once the insert panels are done we will install a register in there to help distribute the heat if the bathroom door is closed:
Installed the microwave. This is a $40 model from Wal-Mart. I found some mounting brackets for a Dometic RV Microwave new in the box on eBay for $10. A little cutting of the brackets, a few holes drilled in the brackets and the microwave cover, and we got the brackets mounted up to the microwave. Built-in look for a fraction of the price of an "RV microwave." The cabinet opening was about 1" too tall so we cut a filler piece, stained/polyurethaned it to match and installed it at the top to close the gap:
My brother says the doors and drawer fronts are almost done (2 more coats of poly needed), so we will be trying our hand at drawer building in the next few weeks.
- Frank
01-30-2011, 10:57 AM
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Location: Ontario
Posts: 503
SUN #43
WOW!!! This looks great Frank! Thanks for the update.
2018 GMC Denali 3500HD Dually
2018 Grand Design 384GK
2003 F311SR
2005 T-2753
01-30-2011, 08:12 PM
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Ohio
Posts: 12,904
SUN #89
Absolutely super Frank
Bro will have one fine camper.
The shower looks great. Your find in Elkhart paid off well.
Keep up the good work.
PS You do realize this TT project post has the most hits of any post on SOC. 19,469 as of 1-31-11 @ 9:10PM EST. It is safe to say your project has a lot of interest  Thanks so much for sharing and the time to detail post.
When you are all done need to show the camper in action at least once is a campground. A nice ending to a great story.
Current Sunlines: 2004 T310SR, 2004 T1950, 2004 T2475, 2007 T2499, 2004 T317SR
Prior Sunlines: 2004 T2499 - Fern Blue
2005 Ford F350 Lariat, 6.8L V10 W/ 4.10 rear axle, CC, Short Bed, SRW. Reese HP trunnion bar hitch W/ HP DC
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