Site Reservations:
Reservations are made via the web site
There's a 6 Month reservation window, so the first date reservations can be made is Jan. 19, 2019 after 10am EST.
Once you've made a reservation for the 2019 Ives Run M&G please:
Reply to this post with the following information:
Your Site #
Forum Name
# of Attendees
First Names of Attendees
Year, Brand, Model of your unit
Nights Reserved (e.g., FS; TFSS, etc.)
I will try to maintain a list of site reservations (see below).
Planned Activities:
Friday's Activities:
Pot-Luck Dinner - @6pm - Lake Side Pavilion.
Give & Take Table - Lake Side Pavilion.
Prior to and following Pot-Luck Dinner
Saturday's Activities:
Dessert Social @7pm - Site 65
Bring a dessert to share; BYO on drinks
Chinese Grab Bag / Gift Exchange @7pm - Site 65
During the dessert social
Current Reserved: # Sites 12 - # Attendees 24
Site # - Forum Name - # Attendees - real names – Coach - Nights Reserved
Beech Loop:
Site 65 - PTHutch/MAHutch - 2 - Tom & Mary - 2015 Jayco Eagle Premier 361REQS - WTFSS -
Site 66 - Makers Mark - 2 - Jay & JoLynne- 2015 Rockwood 2608WS - TFSS -
Site 67 - Tweety - 2 - Pam & Steve - 2017 Lance 1475 - TFSS -
Site 72 - clarkldc - 2 - Larry & Wendy - 2007 Sunline T-2499 - TFSS -
Site 80 - Darkspot - 1 - Jessica - 1979 Sunline Sunspot - SSM -
Site 83 - purplesuebug - 2 - Marshall & Sue - 2007 Sunline T-195SR / 1980 10½’ SS Sunspot - SSMT -
Site 84 - Holly - 2 - Hope & Richard - Sunline 1950 - TFSS -
Birch Loop:
Site 89 - Mellow Yellow - 2 - Tom and Deb - 2001 Sunline Solaris 250SR - TFSS -
Site 91 - delandkris - 2 - Kris & Del - 2007 Sunline Solaris T-2553 - TFSS -
Site 102 - Wannabes - 2 - Matthew & Lisa - 2002 Sunline Solaris T-2363 - TFS(S?) -
Site 103 - Hiller64 - 2 - Rich and Barb - Sunline / Montana - FSS -
Site 104 - kathyh - 3 - Rob and Kathy & Dolores - 2007 Sunline T2499 - TFS -