2019 Ives Run M&G Chinese Grab Bag / Gift Exchange Sign-Up
2019 Ives Run M&G Chinese Grab Bag / Gift Exchange
If there’s enough interest we’ll be doing a Chinese Grab Bag / Gift Exchange at the Ives Run M&G.
The Chinese Grab Bag / Gift Exchange will be held Saturday evening during the Dessert Social at Site 65.
It'll start at 7pm
Note: We'll be bringing a 10x20 canopy, but if anyone can bring other Ez-Ups in case of inclement weather, please bring them.
For those of you not familiar with the Chinese Grab Bag event, here's some basic info.
Chinese Grab Bag info:
1. Each participant is to bring a gift.
2. The gift is to be of $15 value.
3. Gifts should be packaged in a bag or box, like a brown paper grocery bag, Amazon box or something similar.
This is intended so there's no outward indication of what the gift is.
4. Spouses may play as a couple or individually. The more participants, the more fun.
5. The Chinese Grab Bag will be conducted Saturday evening in conjunction with the dessert social, starting at 7pm.
Ives Run Chinese Grab Bag Rules:
1. All participants place their packaged gift on the Table.
2. Each participant draws a number out of a hat, this identifies the order of play.
3. Round 1: Participant w/ #1 selects a gift from the table, opens it, and shows it off to the other participants.
4. Round 2: Participant w/ #2 now has the option of selecting a gift from the table or stealing Participants #1 gift (see Round / Stealing rules).
5. Round 3: Participant w/ #3 now has the option of selecting a gift from the table or stealing from any Participant currently holding a gift (see Round / Stealing rules).
6. Rounds continue until each participant’s has had the option to play.
7. Last Round: The last round starts after the last gift bag has been selected from the table (see Last Round Rules).
Round / Stealing Rules:
1. Each Round starts with a Participant either selecting from the table or stealing a gift.
2. If the Participant selects from the table – the round ends and the game transitions to the next participant / round.
3. If the participant elects to steal a gift, then the participant that had their gift stolen has the option of selecting a gift from the table or stealing a gift from another participant holding a gift, however, they can not steal back the gift just stolen from them (i.e., the participant that stole a gift is considered safe for only the next move).
4. A round ends when a participant selects a gift from the table.
Last Round Rules:
1. The Last Round starts after all Participants have played (i.e., after the last gift has been selected from the table).
2. Participant #1 has the option of switching gifts with any Participant or keeping their gift.
3. If Participant #1 chooses to keep their gift – the game is over.
4. If Participant #1 switches a gift, play continues by the participant that had their gift taken has the option of switching their gift with any other participant holding a gift or keeping the gift they were given. Note: they can not switch with the participant that just gave them the gift (i.e., the participant that switches / steals a gift is considered safe for only the next move)
5. Play continues until a participant decides to keep the gift they were given (instead of switching for another).
Note: The Chinese Grab Bag coordinator will act as moderator of all interactions.
There may be a limit set for how many times a specific gift may be stolen. That will be at the discretion of the Chinese Grab Bag coordinator and decided prior to the start of the game.
Hopefully the rules make sense to everyone. We will go over the rules again at the M&G before playing the game.
If interested in participating in the Chinese Grab Bag at the Ives Run M&G, Please reply to this tread with the number of participants.
This is to ensure there are sufficient participants to hold this event.
Then bring a gift to the M&G and be ready to have fun.
Mary & Tom (aka Hutch)
2015 Jayco Eagle Premier 361REQS
2014 GMC Sierra 3500HD 4x4 CC D/A
Sunlines: 2005 Solaris T-280SR; 1999 Solaris T-2670; 1998 Saturn T-24A