Young Cats Learn Quicker
Wright and Penny,
Looks like you've got a good thing going with you cats. Light years ahead of us. It helps that you started them very young. Our two are both rescue cats, came to us at about 4 and 5 years old. Pretty set in their ways. They've been on the road with us (on and off) for a year, and have adapted only slightly. They ride fitfully in the back seat of the truck, and they hate breaking camp. They go hide.
Great job on your guys !
Dennis & Marie
2007 T-286SR, slider awning, Maxx Air Vents, Fantastic, Twin La-Z-Boys, Hensley Arrow Hitch.
2003-2500 Dodge CTD, 4 x 4, Club Cab, PacBrake, TransferFlow 75 gal. aux tank. Edge Juice w/ Attitude
Two cats, Arty and Tobi: The May/December romance.