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01-26-2007, 06:49 AM
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: New York
Posts: 1,920
SUN #98
Thank you for taking the time and effort to do this hug job.
How are you scanning and what program are you using?
I've scanned documents using Adobe Acorbe and it puts them directly into a pdf file.
If you would like I can scan one of my brochures (i.e., 1999 - 2006) to see how it comes out using this method.
Also over the years I've downloaded / copies a lot of the FAQ and Tech Tips from the Sunline web site.
If you're interested I can provide you with a list of the ones I have and a copy of these.
It might be good to add this information to this web site as a back-up just in case the Sunline web site goes away. But lets hope that doesn't happen and Sunline comes back stronger than ever!
Mary & Tom (aka Hutch)
2015 Jayco Eagle Premier 361REQS
2014 GMC Sierra 3500HD 4x4 CC D/A
Sunlines: 2005 Solaris T-280SR; 1999 Solaris T-2670; 1998 Saturn T-24A
01-26-2007, 12:57 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: New York
Posts: 2,909
SUN #93
Jon, you are a wonderful person to do all that! I only wish I could help to move things along for you....but since I don't have brochures and I have no idea of what you did......I guess I wouldn't be much help!
Kathy & Leo SUN 093
Central Adirondacks of New York
2013 Rubicon 2900 Toy Hauler
We loved our 2007 T-2499
2010 Ford F-350 4x4 Lariat Super Crew Dually Diesel
01-26-2007, 01:43 PM
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: New York
Posts: 1,920
SUN #98
Wow, that’s quite the process. You are really going above and beyond the call of duty.
I scanned a 2007 brochure using Adobe Acrobat and my Dell All-In-One printer/scanner. Took about 5 – 10 minutes to scan than another few minutes to get all the pages rotated properly. Text and graphics looks good, no restoration need. The problem is that the file is 144M.
Below is a list of all the files I have. I included a complete list so there may be some redundancy (i.e., doc & pdf files). I’ve sorted the list and put the Sunline files first. Some of the files are personal procedures and reference guides I’ve developed myself. My memory’s not what it used to be, I find myself needing more notes and checklists.
I’ve tried to duplicate electronically all the information Sunline provided in my owner’s booklet. This way I can carry a CD or keep it on my laptop when traveling. So there’s a lot of information related to components that are provided by other manufacturers.
Anything you want I would be happy to send to you.
Sunline Deep-Cycle Batteries Explained.doc
Sunline Deep-Cycle Batteries Explained.pdf
Sunline Exterior Cleaning Instructions.doc
Sunline Exterior Cleaning Instructions.pdf
Sunline General How-To Guide.doc
Sunline General How-To Guide.pdf
Sunline How To Read Tire Sidewall.doc
Sunline How To Read Tire Sidewall.pdf
Sunline Interior Cleaning Instructions.doc
Sunline Interior Cleaning Instructions.pdf
Sunline Jack Placement Instructions.doc
Sunline Jack Placement Instructions.pdf
Sunline New Owner Guide.doc
Sunline Refrigerator Tips.doc
Sunline Repacking Wheel Bearings Instructions.doc
Sunline Slide Room Maintenance Guide.doc
Sunline Slide Room Maintenance Guide.pdf
Sunline Spring Startup Guide.doc
Sunline T-280 SR Checklist Quick Reference Guide.doc
Sunline T-280 SR Checklists.doc
Sunline T-280 SR De-Winterizing_Tasks_CheckList.doc
Sunline T-280 SR Equipment Serial Nos.doc
Sunline T-280 SR Packing Weights List.doc
Sunline T-280 SR Trip Packing CheckList.doc
Sunline T-280 SR Weight & Measurements.xls
Sunline T-280 SR Weight Distribution Measurements.doc
Sunline T-280 SR Weights.doc
Sunline T-280 SR Winterizing_Tasks_CheckList.doc
Sunline Winterizing Guide.doc
T-2670 Equipment Serial Nos.pdf
T-280SR Procedures.zip
2005 Slide Room T-280 SR Specifications.doc
2005 Sunline Brochure.pdf
2005 Sunline Solaris T-280 SR Specifications.doc
2005 Sunline T-280 SR Floor Plan.pdf
A&E 8500 Awning Brochure.pdf
A&E 8500 Awning Users Guide.pdf
A&E 9000 Awning Brochure.pdf
A&E Awning Maintenance Tips & Tricks.pdf
A&E Awnings Tips & Tricks.pdf
A&E Slide Topper Deluxe Brochure.pdf
AL-KO Axle Attaching Parts.pdf
AL-KO Axle Leaf Springs.pdf
AL-KO Axle Owners Manual.pdf
AL-KO Axle Parts & Service Locator.pdf
AL-KO Axle Suspension Components.pdf
AL-KO Parts Catalog.pdf
American CS6000 Power Converter Features.doc
American CS6000 Power Converter Features.pdf
American CS6000XL Power Converter Features.doc
American CS6000XL Power Converter Features.pdf
American Power Converters Troubleshooting Guide.doc
American Power Converters Troubleshooting Guide.pdf
Attwood Power Jack Troubleshooting.doc
Attwood Power Jack Troubleshooting.pdf
Attwood Power Jacks.pdf
Atwood 8500-IV Furnace Parts.pdf
Atwood 8500-IV Furnace Small Vent Kit.pdf
Atwood 8500-IV Furnace Wiring Diagram.pdf
Atwood Aftermarket Heating Element Info Notice.pdf
Atwood Clad Tank.pdf
Atwood Cooking Appliances Troubleshooting.doc
Atwood Cooking Appliances Troubleshooting.pdf
Atwood Electronic Ignition Water Heater Troubleshooting.doc
Atwood Electronic Ignition Water Heater Troubleshooting.pdf
Atwood Furnace Troubleshooting.doc
Atwood Furnace Troubleshooting.pdf
Atwood Furnaces Brochure.pdf
Atwood Furnaces Servicing Info.pdf
Atwood GCH6A Wiring Diagram.pdf
Atwood Hot Water Tank Tips.doc
Atwood Hot Water Tank Tips.pdf
Atwood LP Alarm Brochure.pdf
Atwood Range Brochure.pdf
Atwood Range Maintenance Instructions.pdf
Atwood Range New Top Attachment Instructions.pdf
Atwood Understanding Furnaces.pdf
Atwood Water Heater Flushing.pdf
Atwood Water Heater Maintenance Instruction.pdf
Atwood Water Heater Winterizing Instructions.pdf
Atwood Water Heater Wiring Diagram 1.pdf
Atwood Water Heater Wiring Diagram 2.pdf
Atwood Water Heater Wiring Diagram 3.pdf
Atwood Water Heater.pdf
Atwood Wedgewood Vision Ranges.pdf
Audiovox AWM930 Owners Manual.pdf
BAL Leveling Scissors Jacks Brochure.pdf
BAL Leveling Scissors Jacks Installation & Operating Ins.pdf
Barker Fresh Water Tank Tech Tip 132.doc
Barker Fresh Water Tank Tech Tip 132.pdf
Barker Rollout EZ Slide.pdf
Barker Tote-along Tank Operating.pdf
Barker Water Tank Kit.pdf
Bradd & Hall Chairs & Recliners Price List.pdf
Bradd & Hall Sofa Price List.pdf
Cabinet Drawer Slide Repair Pic.jpg
Cabinet Drawer Slide Repair.jpg
Camper Maintenance Instructions & Gen Info.doc
Camper Supplies.doc
De-Winterizing_Tasks_CheckList - Hensley.doc
De-Winterizing_Tasks_CheckList StdHitch.doc
Dexter 4000-6000 lb Axle Specifications.pdf
Dexter 5500-7000 lb Axles Specifications.pdf
Dexter Applications Manual.pdf
Dexter Axle Users Manual.pdf
Dexter E-Z Lube Axles.doc
Dexter E-Z Lube Axles.pdf
Dexter Full Catalog.pdf
Dexter Nev-R-Lube Flyer.pdf
Dometic AC Tips & Tricks.pdf
Dometic Briskair Brochure.pdf
Dometic Briskair Installation Guide.pdf
Dometic Briskair Parts List.pdf
Dometic Briskair Troubleshooting Tips.pdf
Dometic Briskair Users Manual.pdf
Dometic Built-In MicroWave Brochure.pdf
Dometic Full Catalog.pdf
Dometic Maintaining Refrigerator Tips.pdf
Dometic Ref & Freezing Food Tips.pdf
Dometic Refrigerator Tips & Tricks.pdf
Dometic RM 2652 Refrigerator Manual.pdf
Dometic RM-2652 RB Borchure.pdf
Dometic RM-2652 RB Manual.pdf
Dometic RM-2652 RB PartsList.pdf
Dometic Royale Refrigerator Brochure.pdf
Drawer Repair.pdf
DuoTherm Analog Thermostat Brochure.pdf
DuoTherm Analog Thermostat Operating Instructions.pdf
DuoTherm What Is A thermostat.pdf
Fan-Tastic Vent Brochure.pdf
Fan-Tastic Vent Catalog.pdf
First Alert SA67B Brochure.pdf
First Alert SA67B Users Manual.pdf
First Alert SA87B Brochure.pdf
First Alert SA87B Users Manual.pdf
Flexstedl Ultraflex Sofa.pdf
Flexsteel Barrel Chairs.pdf
Flexsteel Captains Chairs.pdf
Flexsteel Easy Beds & Jacknife Sofas.pdf
Flexsteel J-Lounges & Sectionals.pdf
Flexsteel Magic Beds & Sofa Sleepers.pdf
Flexsteel Recliners.pdf
Goodyear RV Tire & Care Guide.pdf
Goodyear Tire Load-Inflation Specs.pdf
Handy Holding Tank Tips.doc
Handy Holding Tank Tips.pdf
Holding Tank Tips from KOA.doc
Holding Tank Tips from KOA.pdf
Information Card T-2670.doc
Information Card T-280 SR.doc
Information Card Template.doc
Information Card.doc
Kidde 0916 Data Sheet.pdf
Kidde 0916 Users Manual.pdf
Kobar Axle Brochure.pdf
Kober 5200-6000-7000 Axles Data Sheet.pdf
Lafer Recliners.pdf
LCI Electric Slideout Operations & Service Manual.pdf
LCI Flush Floor Slideout Operations & Service Manual.pdf
LCI Trailer Axel Operation & Service Manual.pdf
LP Auto Changeover Function Test.pdf
LP Auto Changeover Operation.pdf
LP Type 1 Connector.pdf
Michelin RV Tire Guide.pdf
Michelin RV Tire Load & Inflation Guide.pdf
New Trailer Pre-Delivery Inspection (PDI).pdf
Palliser Recliners.pdf
Pressure-Temperature Relief Valve.pdf
RV Tire Specs & Info.doc
SeaLand China Traveler Lite Toilet Brochure.pdf
SeaLand China Traveler Lite Toilet Owners Manual.pdf
SeaLand China Traveler Toilet Brochure.pdf
SeaLand China Traveler Toilet Owners Manual.pdf
SeeLevel II Tank Monitor 707 Brochure.pdf
SeeLevel II Tank Monitor 709 Owners Manual.pdf
SeeLevel II Tank Monitor 709 Shop Manual.pdf
SeeLevel II Tank Monitor 711 Brochure.pdf
SeeLevel II Tank Monitor 711T Brochure.pdf
SeeLevel II Tank Monitor 712 Brochure.pdf
SeeLevel II Tank Monitor 713 Brochure.pdf
SeeLevel II Tank Monitor Tech Service Bulletin #19.pdf
SeeLevel II Tank Monitor709 Brochure.pdf
SensaTank RV100 Brochure.pdf
SensaTank RV100 DataSheet.pdf
ShurFlo 2088 Installation Guidelines.pdf
ShurFlo 2088 Troubleshooting Guide.pdf
ShurFlo 2088-403-144 Data Sheet.pdf
Tireco Inc Mission Dist..doc
Trico Brochure01.pdf
Trico Brochure01.zip
Trico Brochure02.pdf
Trico Brochure02.zip
Water Heater Tank Corrosion.pdf
Wingard Sensar Antennas Installation & Operation Manual.pdf
Wiring Harness Diagram.jpg
Wiring Harness Diagram.pdf
Mary & Tom (aka Hutch)
2015 Jayco Eagle Premier 361REQS
2014 GMC Sierra 3500HD 4x4 CC D/A
Sunlines: 2005 Solaris T-280SR; 1999 Solaris T-2670; 1998 Saturn T-24A
01-28-2007, 10:02 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 102
SUN #4
Hutch -
Would you be able to email me a few of the amazing list of files you have so we can post them to the site? Feel free to select the ones you feel would be most helpful to other Sunliners, perhaps at least the brochures and floor plans? Thanks so much! info@sunlineclub.com
01-29-2007, 09:01 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Ontario
Posts: 503
SUN #43
Just to let you know, I have looked at all of the brochures that have been posted today. I am looking forward to looking at the ones that you have completed so far once they are online. Keep up the great work! Your efforts to place these brochures online are greatly appreciated!
01-30-2007, 10:50 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 102
SUN #4
Thanks to Hutch, who has taken the time to email me all of the files that he listed above. My mail box is bursting at the seams!! It will take me some time, but I will bet these posted to the site as soon as I can.
02-17-2011, 09:57 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 1
SUN #1898
Information for the 2007 Layton 250LT
We have a 2007 Layton 250LT. We bought our Layton secondhand with out manuals and information booklets. Would it be possible for you to send us a cd with the information you have.
We would like to pay for the cd and postage, shipping. We would like to send you a money order.
Looking forward to your reply by email.
I sent this email earlier but was not sure it went through. If you get two emails from me I apologies.
Originally Posted by PTHutch
Wow, that’s quite the process. You are really going above and beyond the call of duty.
I scanned a 2007 brochure using Adobe Acrobat and my Dell All-In-One printer/scanner. Took about 5 – 10 minutes to scan than another few minutes to get all the pages rotated properly. Text and graphics looks good, no restoration need. The problem is that the file is 144M.
Below is a list of all the files I have. I included a complete list so there may be some redundancy (i.e., doc & pdf files). I’ve sorted the list and put the Sunline files first. Some of the files are personal procedures and reference guides I’ve developed myself. My memory’s not what it used to be, I find myself needing more notes and checklists.
I’ve tried to duplicate electronically all the information Sunline provided in my owner’s booklet. This way I can carry a CD or keep it on my laptop when traveling. So there’s a lot of information related to components that are provided by other manufacturers.
Anything you want I would be happy to send to you.
Sunline Deep-Cycle Batteries Explained.doc
Sunline Deep-Cycle Batteries Explained.pdf
Sunline Exterior Cleaning Instructions.doc
Sunline Exterior Cleaning Instructions.pdf
Sunline General How-To Guide.doc
Sunline General How-To Guide.pdf
Sunline How To Read Tire Sidewall.doc
Sunline How To Read Tire Sidewall.pdf
Sunline Interior Cleaning Instructions.doc
Sunline Interior Cleaning Instructions.pdf
Sunline Jack Placement Instructions.doc
Sunline Jack Placement Instructions.pdf
Sunline New Owner Guide.doc
Sunline Refrigerator Tips.doc
Sunline Repacking Wheel Bearings Instructions.doc
Sunline Slide Room Maintenance Guide.doc
Sunline Slide Room Maintenance Guide.pdf
Sunline Spring Startup Guide.doc
Sunline T-280 SR Checklist Quick Reference Guide.doc
Sunline T-280 SR Checklists.doc
Sunline T-280 SR De-Winterizing_Tasks_CheckList.doc
Sunline T-280 SR Equipment Serial Nos.doc
Sunline T-280 SR Packing Weights List.doc
Sunline T-280 SR Trip Packing CheckList.doc
Sunline T-280 SR Weight & Measurements.xls
Sunline T-280 SR Weight Distribution Measurements.doc
Sunline T-280 SR Weights.doc
Sunline T-280 SR Winterizing_Tasks_CheckList.doc
Sunline Winterizing Guide.doc
T-2670 Equipment Serial Nos.pdf
T-280SR Procedures.zip
2005 Slide Room T-280 SR Specifications.doc
2005 Sunline Brochure.pdf
2005 Sunline Solaris T-280 SR Specifications.doc
2005 Sunline T-280 SR Floor Plan.pdf
A&E 8500 Awning Brochure.pdf
A&E 8500 Awning Users Guide.pdf
A&E 9000 Awning Brochure.pdf
A&E Awning Maintenance Tips & Tricks.pdf
A&E Awnings Tips & Tricks.pdf
A&E Slide Topper Deluxe Brochure.pdf
AL-KO Axle Attaching Parts.pdf
AL-KO Axle Leaf Springs.pdf
AL-KO Axle Owners Manual.pdf
AL-KO Axle Parts & Service Locator.pdf
AL-KO Axle Suspension Components.pdf
AL-KO Parts Catalog.pdf
American CS6000 Power Converter Features.doc
American CS6000 Power Converter Features.pdf
American CS6000XL Power Converter Features.doc
American CS6000XL Power Converter Features.pdf
American Power Converters Troubleshooting Guide.doc
American Power Converters Troubleshooting Guide.pdf
Attwood Power Jack Troubleshooting.doc
Attwood Power Jack Troubleshooting.pdf
Attwood Power Jacks.pdf
Atwood 8500-IV Furnace Parts.pdf
Atwood 8500-IV Furnace Small Vent Kit.pdf
Atwood 8500-IV Furnace Wiring Diagram.pdf
Atwood Aftermarket Heating Element Info Notice.pdf
Atwood Clad Tank.pdf
Atwood Cooking Appliances Troubleshooting.doc
Atwood Cooking Appliances Troubleshooting.pdf
Atwood Electronic Ignition Water Heater Troubleshooting.doc
Atwood Electronic Ignition Water Heater Troubleshooting.pdf
Atwood Furnace Troubleshooting.doc
Atwood Furnace Troubleshooting.pdf
Atwood Furnaces Brochure.pdf
Atwood Furnaces Servicing Info.pdf
Atwood GCH6A Wiring Diagram.pdf
Atwood Hot Water Tank Tips.doc
Atwood Hot Water Tank Tips.pdf
Atwood LP Alarm Brochure.pdf
Atwood Range Brochure.pdf
Atwood Range Maintenance Instructions.pdf
Atwood Range New Top Attachment Instructions.pdf
Atwood Understanding Furnaces.pdf
Atwood Water Heater Flushing.pdf
Atwood Water Heater Maintenance Instruction.pdf
Atwood Water Heater Winterizing Instructions.pdf
Atwood Water Heater Wiring Diagram 1.pdf
Atwood Water Heater Wiring Diagram 2.pdf
Atwood Water Heater Wiring Diagram 3.pdf
Atwood Water Heater.pdf
Atwood Wedgewood Vision Ranges.pdf
Audiovox AWM930 Owners Manual.pdf
BAL Leveling Scissors Jacks Brochure.pdf
BAL Leveling Scissors Jacks Installation & Operating Ins.pdf
Barker Fresh Water Tank Tech Tip 132.doc
Barker Fresh Water Tank Tech Tip 132.pdf
Barker Rollout EZ Slide.pdf
Barker Tote-along Tank Operating.pdf
Barker Water Tank Kit.pdf
Bradd & Hall Chairs & Recliners Price List.pdf
Bradd & Hall Sofa Price List.pdf
Cabinet Drawer Slide Repair Pic.jpg
Cabinet Drawer Slide Repair.jpg
Camper Maintenance Instructions & Gen Info.doc
Camper Supplies.doc
De-Winterizing_Tasks_CheckList - Hensley.doc
De-Winterizing_Tasks_CheckList StdHitch.doc
Dexter 4000-6000 lb Axle Specifications.pdf
Dexter 5500-7000 lb Axles Specifications.pdf
Dexter Applications Manual.pdf
Dexter Axle Users Manual.pdf
Dexter E-Z Lube Axles.doc
Dexter E-Z Lube Axles.pdf
Dexter Full Catalog.pdf
Dexter Nev-R-Lube Flyer.pdf
Dometic AC Tips & Tricks.pdf
Dometic Briskair Brochure.pdf
Dometic Briskair Installation Guide.pdf
Dometic Briskair Parts List.pdf
Dometic Briskair Troubleshooting Tips.pdf
Dometic Briskair Users Manual.pdf
Dometic Built-In MicroWave Brochure.pdf
Dometic Full Catalog.pdf
Dometic Maintaining Refrigerator Tips.pdf
Dometic Ref & Freezing Food Tips.pdf
Dometic Refrigerator Tips & Tricks.pdf
Dometic RM 2652 Refrigerator Manual.pdf
Dometic RM-2652 RB Borchure.pdf
Dometic RM-2652 RB Manual.pdf
Dometic RM-2652 RB PartsList.pdf
Dometic Royale Refrigerator Brochure.pdf
Drawer Repair.pdf
DuoTherm Analog Thermostat Brochure.pdf
DuoTherm Analog Thermostat Operating Instructions.pdf
DuoTherm What Is A thermostat.pdf
Fan-Tastic Vent Brochure.pdf
Fan-Tastic Vent Catalog.pdf
First Alert SA67B Brochure.pdf
First Alert SA67B Users Manual.pdf
First Alert SA87B Brochure.pdf
First Alert SA87B Users Manual.pdf
Flexstedl Ultraflex Sofa.pdf
Flexsteel Barrel Chairs.pdf
Flexsteel Captains Chairs.pdf
Flexsteel Easy Beds & Jacknife Sofas.pdf
Flexsteel J-Lounges & Sectionals.pdf
Flexsteel Magic Beds & Sofa Sleepers.pdf
Flexsteel Recliners.pdf
Goodyear RV Tire & Care Guide.pdf
Goodyear Tire Load-Inflation Specs.pdf
Handy Holding Tank Tips.doc
Handy Holding Tank Tips.pdf
Holding Tank Tips from KOA.doc
Holding Tank Tips from KOA.pdf
Information Card T-2670.doc
Information Card T-280 SR.doc
Information Card Template.doc
Information Card.doc
Kidde 0916 Data Sheet.pdf
Kidde 0916 Users Manual.pdf
Kobar Axle Brochure.pdf
Kober 5200-6000-7000 Axles Data Sheet.pdf
Lafer Recliners.pdf
LCI Electric Slideout Operations & Service Manual.pdf
LCI Flush Floor Slideout Operations & Service Manual.pdf
LCI Trailer Axel Operation & Service Manual.pdf
LP Auto Changeover Function Test.pdf
LP Auto Changeover Operation.pdf
LP Type 1 Connector.pdf
Michelin RV Tire Guide.pdf
Michelin RV Tire Load & Inflation Guide.pdf
New Trailer Pre-Delivery Inspection (PDI).pdf
Palliser Recliners.pdf
Pressure-Temperature Relief Valve.pdf
RV Tire Specs & Info.doc
SeaLand China Traveler Lite Toilet Brochure.pdf
SeaLand China Traveler Lite Toilet Owners Manual.pdf
SeaLand China Traveler Toilet Brochure.pdf
SeaLand China Traveler Toilet Owners Manual.pdf
SeeLevel II Tank Monitor 707 Brochure.pdf
SeeLevel II Tank Monitor 709 Owners Manual.pdf
SeeLevel II Tank Monitor 709 Shop Manual.pdf
SeeLevel II Tank Monitor 711 Brochure.pdf
SeeLevel II Tank Monitor 711T Brochure.pdf
SeeLevel II Tank Monitor 712 Brochure.pdf
SeeLevel II Tank Monitor 713 Brochure.pdf
SeeLevel II Tank Monitor Tech Service Bulletin #19.pdf
SeeLevel II Tank Monitor709 Brochure.pdf
SensaTank RV100 Brochure.pdf
SensaTank RV100 DataSheet.pdf
ShurFlo 2088 Installation Guidelines.pdf
ShurFlo 2088 Troubleshooting Guide.pdf
ShurFlo 2088-403-144 Data Sheet.pdf
Tireco Inc Mission Dist..doc
Trico Brochure01.pdf
Trico Brochure01.zip
Trico Brochure02.pdf
Trico Brochure02.zip
Water Heater Tank Corrosion.pdf
Wingard Sensar Antennas Installation & Operation Manual.pdf
Wiring Harness Diagram.jpg
Wiring Harness Diagram.pdf
02-18-2011, 08:46 PM
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Ohio
Posts: 12,895
SUN #89
HI jpandkaren
Go here to our files section. You can download the files for free.
Sunline Coach Owner's Club - Sunline Owner's Files
The forum does not like immediate one after another down loads for some reason. It will tell you to slow down... So just go slower or down load one and read some more then down load again.
Congrats on your new camper.
Hope this helps
Current Sunlines: 2004 T310SR, 2004 T1950, 2004 T2475, 2007 T2499, 2004 T317SR
Prior Sunlines: 2004 T2499 - Fern Blue
2005 Ford F350 Lariat, 6.8L V10 W/ 4.10 rear axle, CC, Short Bed, SRW. Reese HP trunnion bar hitch W/ HP DC
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