Fellow Sunliners I have found the problem and have corrected it. If yours is a sealed burner unit. This may help if you run into this type of problem.
Now to the events of the day. I spent about $1.00 on the vinegar and I have nice clean burners, but that in itself did not cure the problem. It was a good thing to do, but the alignment was the main culprit. As far as time, I’m glad I was not paying for “my” time. I fiddled around a good 3 hours yesterday and about the same today.
Now to the events of the day in pictures.
Before I assembled the burners I put the cover on less the burners and looked down the hole.
WOW. Holy moly…. H’mm this is not going to work.
See burner 1 that had the flash back.
And the left one.
The master burner was as bad. All 3 where way off. Next issue was, how to correct this? I could not even force the cover to get all 3 to line up. So I started looking close on if there is any adjustment on the locking pin up front. Nope, not that I could find. This front pin when it drops in that hole places the burners about 3/32 off. And this part if all fixed along with the gas manifold. I even tried it behind the hole as my older camper Atwood, but not sealed burners, had a lip in place of the pin. But using the back cut out with the pin shifted every thing to far back. I saw no choice except to put the pin where it needed to, to allow the burner holes to line up. So I filed a slot.
So now look at burner 1, the flash back one. Now in the center. And so is the far left one.
And the front master burner. Better but not perfect. Remember this as we will come back to it.
So now that I had them center, how was I going to keep them centered? H'mm
I push on the cover near the back and I can move this cover quite a bit and knock it back out of alignment. So I added a stop strip wedged between the 2 hinges. Now there is no movement left to right and it will hold alignment. I'll stain this strip later to match the cabinets.
Now when you put the burners in, from the bottom, center the burner in the hole as you can move them around a fair bit.
And now I lit this up. Yes!!!!
The back 2 are great.
Here is burner # 1 that use to flash back on hi.
And on simmer. I could never go this low before.
The back 2 worked great thru the full range. But the front master burner has issues when I turned it up. It would simmer blue but went white when I went about 1/2 way on.
So I said, well the master burner align was not perfect and the master burner jet is larger so the air mixture must be more sensative. So now knowing alignment must be dead on, I loosened up the burner screws, put the cover down and fired it up. See here where I pushed the burner fully to the back. Totally out of proper gas/air mixture. Turned it down quick.
Then with a pair of tongs I pushed the burner fully to the front. Night and day difference in just the play in the mounting holes. But still not right. And this was only on 5 on the dial.
Now knowing the problem, I took the burner back off, put the cover down and filed the slot some more to get the master burner exactly dead on and the other 2. I even measured where the front of the stove is suppose to be when assembled as you cannot tell when you put it all back together.
Put it all back together and tried it again. Now I have success. As you can see on Hi, there is a trace of white in the flame tips. But I can turn it down 1 number to 9 and it is total blue. I cannot cook on Hi as the flame is too large so this is as good as I can get it.
So to make sure I felt I cured it, I brewed a pot of coffee on the original problem child burner, the far right one that use to flash. Now no issues.
Alignment on this type of burner is dead critical. 1/32” off can be too much. The regulator was OK and I left it. I assume dropping 1 1/2" WC with the oven burner on must be OK. I bought this camper used last fall. So with what I had to do to get this corrected must have been there a long time. With the front cover hole being that far off, I cannot imagine how it ever worked exactly right.
What I presented was one way to correct alignment. There may be others and if anyone runs into a better way, please pass it along.
I’m cooking with gas now…