I know many of you have asked how Cindy and I stay connected while on the road. I've answered many PM's telling that we use a Broadband card over a Satillite Set-up for the inexpensive price and the ease of use.
No setting up a dish everytime we pull over, and at only $40 a month, it's very reasonable when you compare to the other options.
Well for Christmas, we splurged and got a Wilson Electronics Dual-Band Amplifier which boosts both our cell phone signal and the broadband signal. Now it wont grab a signal if there isnt one to be had, but it does extend our range by about 25-50 miles between towers.
It was a pretty simple install, and we were staying in a campsite that was beautiful, and only $6 a night on the outskirts of Phoenix. Not wanting to leave our campsite to go find a stonger signal, once the system was hooked up, we went from no bars on our phones, to full bars, and not being able to connect to the internet with our broadband card, to having a nice connection.
I posted a detailed page on how we set it up at that link if anyone is interested in this for their Sunline
Here is a link to their site also
Happy Camping