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Old 10-28-2006, 03:22 PM   #1
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Trailer is In !!!!!

Well, after LaRue telling us yesterday that she didn't know when our trailer would be out of the factory. According to her, as of yesterday afternoon it was going into final inspection. We got a call this morning that it was at the dealer!!!

Stopped by to see it this morning and it is absolutely beautiful!! Everything we ordered was there. Of couple of extras we didn't order where there too!! (No extra cost either!!!) Anyhow, the paperwork it the owner's manual said it completed final inspection on 25 October 2006.

We are dropping the truck off Monday to be set up, and we pick it up Tuesday.

Will let everyone know how that goes!!

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Old 10-28-2006, 03:39 PM   #2
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OH HAPPY DAYS FOR YOU, so glad to hear your Sunline is at the dealers. So once you get it, will you have a chance to use it, or will you have to winterize it for the winter? I'm not done using mine yet, heading to Pigeon Forge November 21st, as soon as I park the school bus. This will be the last trip of the season for me. What options and surprise extras did you get on your trailer? I think we all get that "warm fuzzy feeling" every time we hear about a Sunline getting a new home. I'm so happy for you.


Sunny #18 2003 F-344SR #8157
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Old 10-28-2006, 03:52 PM   #3
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Worth the wait wasn't it? I know exactly how you feel. I had one extra item on my Sunline too. It was the ladder which we did not order but apparently comes with the option for a full 1/2" plywood roof. Their literature doesn't say so, but it's there so we are feeling pretty good about it. Like Kitty, I want more details. C'mon share the story with us.

Bob ...SOC-015
2007 Solaris T-2499 with 2004 Dodge 2500 Quad Cab Diesel TV.

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Old 10-28-2006, 04:29 PM   #4
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OK guys and Gals---

T-276-SR: Queen Bed in front, dinnette and sleeper sofa (option) in slide, rear bathroom, bunks on passenger side rear, kitchen on passenger side middle. Options: Deluxe LP tank Cover, Aluminum Diamond Plate on lower front (salesman goofed, should have been diamond plate covered bumper, which the dealer is going to install,so count the front as an extra), 15K A/C, Black tank rinse, black,grey, and fresh tanks heated, center awning support, outside shower (evidently now standard), power jack, fantastic fan vent, maybe some others I don't have the list in front of me. I'll get the list and post anything else.

Couple of thing I forgot/didn't remember: Winterize Kit, Slide topper, Spare Tire Kit, Kitchen upgrade (range cover, sealed range and oven, and faucet that pulls out to sprayer hose)

We have a trip planned to Lancaster, PA the 17th -19th of November, and were hoping to get to Assateague Island, MD after that (if the weather holds) We'll probably do a local "check-out" trip next weekend.
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Old 10-29-2006, 07:19 AM   #5
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congrats mack on the trailer,you will love that camper we got a 267sr which is the same as the 276sr and we love ours.
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happy camping Rich,Maryellen,Josh and Jake
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Old 10-29-2006, 05:40 PM   #6
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SUN #39
Congratulations! Hopefully your new arrival will make it home to you soon! Look forward to hearing about it.

Thank you for the e-mail after talking with Larue about the factory's status.

Hopefully our 1950 won't be too long behind yours
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Old 10-30-2006, 04:14 PM   #7
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Hi everyone. Just registed with the sunline club but let me introduce myself as Mack-C85's (sometimes better, sometimes worse!) other half. The camper is going to be picked up tomorrow afternoon and we are looking forward to taking it out for a maiden voyage this weekend.... Called the dealership this morning to remind them that the diamond plated rear bumper was supposed to be included on our "show deal" and they are working on getting it shipped now. It might not be on by the time we pick it up but we can drop it off at a later date to have it installed along with any other items which need to be worked on. Overall, our family is absolutely thrilled with the Sunline and can say it was worth the wait although waiting for the 1 week shutdown of the plant was a little hard.

Here is our options we put on the T276SR. Color is cherry wood with Misty Blue interior....

1. 15K BTU A/C
2. Center Tension Rafter for Awning
3. Range Top Cover
4. Hinged top ABS LP Bottle Cover
5. Kitchen faucet with pull out sprayer
6. Diamond plate bumper cover
7. Power hitch jack with light
8. Sealed burner range with electronic ignition
9. Spare Tire Kit
10. Topper awning for slide room
11. Winterizing kit
12. Black tank rinse kit
13. Diamond Plate front lower stone shield
14. Fantastic Fan (Exhaust & Intake) w/ wall therostat & rain sensor
15. Heated fresh water tank
16. Heated septic and gray water tanks
17. Sleeper sofa (Queen size)

One standard option which appears to be recently brought back to the Sunline is the outdoor shower. When I asked about it on the contract day, they said this option was available, but ours has it on the back corner by the electric connection. As my electrican husband said, "Now that is a really interesting combination!"
Carol a.k.a. mdfiregal
Severn, Maryland
2007 T-276SR Travel Trailer
2004 Dodge 2500 Diesel (Tow Vehicle and Daddy's dream truck)
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Old 10-30-2006, 06:21 PM   #8
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Firegal and Mack,
What a wonderful day you're going to have tomorrow! Remember when my DW and I did the same thing exactly two weeks ago. The anticipation nearly killed me. The excitement overwelming my normally calm demeanor. I also noticed the outside shower well after many other things were checked out. I wonder if I'll make much use of it, but it's there in any event. One thing sort of tricked us....we noticed that the outside grill bracket was mounted on the side of the unit, but we had not ordered that option so for a while there we thought maybe they had included it by mistake. It turns out they put that bracket on every unit and plumb the gas line through the chassis so you could just add it later without much work. We didn't have the time to use ours yet and in fact it's now winterized so we'll have to wait until spring. We didn't think the unit had much of a new camper smell, and that's a good thing. If you think of it get them to show you how that center tension awning rafter works. Somehow we missed that explaination and in looking at it once we got back home I had questions about it. Worth seeing how they work that item. Overall our option list is quite similar to yours and it is a NICE package overall. We ordered the maple w/plum crazy upolstery. I wish you the best with your new Sunline. Let us know how the day went once you recover from the excitement.

Bob ...SOC-015
2007 Solaris T-2499 with 2004 Dodge 2500 Quad Cab Diesel TV.

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Old 11-01-2006, 12:22 PM   #9
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Well we made it through without too many oh-oh's.... We came out with three items still to be taken care of.....the diamond plate bumper cover, they have to swap out the exhaust only fantastic fan for the exhaust/intake fan we ordered, and we had a banged up blind in the bathroom they are going to replace. Everything else was corrected by the dealer as we went along. We had a couple of missing screws in the valances, a leaking valve seat in the bathroom sink, the edges of the slide trim needed to be smoothed out, etc. The dealer was very through with their demonstrating the unit (although they did tend to show me things, much to the dismay of the very capable mdfiregal!!!!).

The outside shower will come in handy for us becasue we will be taking trips to the beach (we're about 100 miles from the MD/DE beaches) and it will be nice to knock off the sand before coming inside!!!

The center rafter serves two purposes: In the transport mode you adjust the arm up to support the awning. It has a saddle at the top that craddles the "roll" of the awning. In the extended mode, it has a pin that sticks into the aluminum pipe the awning rolls up on and supports the middle of the tube. (mdfiregal got real good on working the awning!!!)

The really tough thing was just before we left the dealer mdfiregal dove (literally) into the front of the pickup and grabbed the owners manual out and told me "You might be towing it, but I have the keys!!!!!" Love ya Honey!!!

Anyhow, it seems that our first trip this weekend, that was going to be to a KOA 10-15 miles away, has turned into a 120 mile trip to Fredricksburg, VA with her brother!!!
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Old 11-01-2006, 06:01 PM   #10
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Congratulations it was worth the Wait wasn't it, like I said too Good old bob you seen the rest now you have the best.
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Old 11-01-2006, 06:21 PM   #11
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I bet your both doing summersaults of delight over your new arrival. That's just the way it's suppose to be too. How wonderful!

Thanks for the review of that Center awning support. It's been so windy for so long in these parts I've been hesitant to put the awning out to check that center support. Maybe this weekend I get the oppurtunity to give it a try.

Enjoy your first trip, and please be safe.

Bob ...SOC-015
2007 Solaris T-2499 with 2004 Dodge 2500 Quad Cab Diesel TV.

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Old 11-02-2006, 11:06 AM   #12
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Trailer is in.....

Well, let's see.... I just read Mack-C85's rundown of our walk through the other day. Yep, I did dive into Big Blue (2001 RAM 1500) and pull out the owner's manual. If I hadn't, he would be pulling the new rig down to the hunting farm and gutting critters in my nice new shiny kitchen! :P Mack was told several times that his wife was a unique lady, they were really surprised when I pulled out all the kitchen drawers to check on the drain system, brought out my night lite to check the electrical outlets, and pulled out my spiral notebook to make a note of items to be fixed....

Camping trip will be to Fredricksburg, VA with my older brother who owns a 38ft. Cabin Creek fifth wheeler and a Volvo tractor as the pulling vehicle. None the less to say he doesn't run into towing capacity problems!!!!

While Mack and I are busy running around trying to get all the items loaded into the rig, picking up some last minute items (we all know this is a never ending cycle), and preping for the trip Friday night; we have 2 wonderful little RV'ers that are over the moon to be going on their 1st camp out.

I can't do cart wheels but I can do a really mean dive through a truck door!

Bob, make sure you pick up a awning tie down and a awning deflapper. I have been told by several "seasoned" RV'ers that these are great items to buy and helps save your awning.

Take care!
Carol a.k.a. mdfiregal
Severn, Maryland
2007 T-276SR Travel Trailer
2004 Dodge 2500 Diesel (Tow Vehicle and Daddy's dream truck)
2001 Dodge 1500 (Backup tow vehicle and my toy)
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Old 11-06-2006, 10:22 AM   #13
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Maiden voyage complete....

Mack and I took our new T276 out this weekend for it's maiden road trip. Set up camp in a local KOA beside my brother's beast (Cabin Creek 38' 5th wheeler that has a Volvo Diesel tractor for the TV). We weren't able to get into the Fredricksburg, VA campsite because they did not have an available campsite big enough for my brother's setup. Everything went really good and we both agreed we were very impressed with the camper at the end of the weekend and agreed we could not have picked out a better model for our needs. Not sure where we will head out this coming weekend but we have plans for Lancaster, PA in mid-November and then a trip in the works for Asseteage Island, MD. We want to get a few trips under our belt before putting the "baby" away for the winter.

My brother told Mack about blowing out the lines with an air compressor and then dumping some antifreeze in the traps for storage until we were ready to winterize. Of course, Mack ran right out last night to buy a new toy since it was justified....

One major issue we found after we brought it home last night was that one of the screws of the sub-flooring was coming through the linoleum floor at the bathroom doorway. Mack noticed a squeak in the floor by the door and we also had our one shade for the top bunk looking like it had dry rotted a bit. A few other items came up but were also very minor. I have a call into my service rep now. Figured that when they do the other work we found during our walk through they can take a look at this as well.

Over all, very impressed with the unit and I just called my serivce rep as I was finishing this message and they are scheduling an appointment to do repairs!
Carol a.k.a. mdfiregal
Severn, Maryland
2007 T-276SR Travel Trailer
2004 Dodge 2500 Diesel (Tow Vehicle and Daddy's dream truck)
2001 Dodge 1500 (Backup tow vehicle and my toy)
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Old 12-11-2006, 04:37 PM   #14
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Trailer went for "warranty" work last week

We took our trailer back to the dealer last Monday for items to be fixed from the delivery inspection. The dealer (Recreation World in Annapolis, MD) fixed everything on our list except for two items.

We had ordered an intake/exhaust fantastic fan for the main compartment vent and it came from the factory with an exhaust only model. Turns out that they can't (won't) install the intake mode because the bathroom vent pipe is fairly close to the trailer vent and they had issues with the intake mode pulling "sewer" gas into the trailer. They are going to issue us a store credit for the difference in cost of the fans. Which is fine 'cause they got a lot of goodies!

We also had a small scrape in a molding that the fix probably would have not been any better than the problem, so......

Fortunately for us they had gotten all the parts (diamond plate bumper cover, replacement blind {bathroom} and shade {bunkbed}) before the factory had shutdown.

Anyhow, we are very pleased with our dealer standing behind the product even though they "may have a hard time" {thier words} getting reimbursed. We asked the service manager if there was any chance, and he just smiled a sly little smile.............

So, we are now winterized and waiting for spring to head out again. The air compressor worked great...after isolating and draining the hot water heater, and blowing out the lines, it only took two gallons of anti-freeze to winterize. Actually only took one to do the lines, the other went to making sure we had enough in the traps and tanks!! I know you can blow out the lines and leave them dry, but at $4.00 a gallon it was cheap insurance.

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