I find as I get older that I dont get too excited much anymore. Do you remember when you were a child and you couldn't sleep on Christmas eve, or the like? We'll at 44 years old I can say it felt like being 8 years old again on Christmas eve the last couple of days! Yesterday was my "Christmas", Happy RVing to all!
Yesterday morning looked like Christmas too, see pic below! I woke up to snow, and almost didn't make the journey to pick up our Sunline.
IMO, towing on wet, salted roads is not to healthy for an RV. But my immaturity and excitment got the better of me so off we went. 4 hours each way to Imperial Trailer Sales in Troy, NY. The roads were wet but they dried up quickly, and the further east we went the more the sun shined and temp increased. The drive home was perfect, roads dry, sun out, and most importantly no damaging salt.
When we arrived, the new TT was prepped very nicely and in better condition than i recalled! Dare I say she's a cherry after only having her home a few hours....
I have been doing tons of reading from this forum to educate myself over the last few weeks. Thank you to all for sharing your experiences and knowledge!