GANG: About three weeks ago there was a RV community software
Launch at the Perry, Georgia F.M.C.A. rally.. So far almost 4,000
people have signed up for this Free social network.. Called RVillage ( OUR
Village ) it is a combo of FaceBook,, Google maps, & 80 + Hobby GROUPS.
A way for campers to locate others while in a certain city, or same campground.
I will include a nice Media Review LINK at the bottom about using this new service.. Some of the Vintage full timer Geeks were working on this project in Jan while I was in Cedar Key...Almost the same software as our Sunny page here with a Screen Nick name. post pictures via Copy & Paste off Photo Bucket, Flicker, etc... There are certain State groups, some specific MFG companies,, Cooking threads, Off Road, Full time, Amazon workers, etc, etc,
A Google locator map will let one see who is nearby.. Sent a FRIEND request like Facebook, Private messages, Inbox, sent box, etc. . maybe others seen the name on other pages.. I know today is April FIRST, & can not confirm members may be referred in future as VILLAGE PEOPLE. !! or sing Y.M.C.A. around the campfire. .. This seems like a fast way for Meet & Greet with campers of similar interest.. Like single ladies, etc..
. Here is the informative REVIEW .
It Takes a Village - RVillage! | Malia's Miles Blog I have NO commission with this product...Just know some of the BLOG writers. Sunny administrator said one time mention was permitted.