I've spoken to the owner and they seem like a company that is putting some thought into their product.
We had a couple who had just purchased one and came to stay at the Low-Key Hideaway for their 1st Shakedown Run
They had pulled it just over 2 hours up from Tampa and said it pulled like a dream. They stayed with us for a week and every day I'd ask about it and each day they said they liked it more and more.
The owner and I crawled all through it looking at the craftsmanship and we couldnt find any items that looked like they need to be flagged.
They would be something I'd consider if I was looking for a new camper. Although I really like the
Rockwood Trailers and all the features they come standard with. Aluminum frame and wall construction, really nice features like walk on roof, fully covered underbellies and features you normally only see in the ultra highend coaches