A few reminders for the upcomming camping season
Most of you already know/do these things but over the winter the group has taken on some new members. I just thought (since I am rained in today) I would list some things to know about or do while out camping.
Feel free to add more. These things may already be on the site somewhere.
1. Sanitize your water system, expecially if you drink campground
system water. (we use bottled water for drinking.)
2. Make sure your smoke, gas and CO2 detectors are working properly.
3. Inflate your tires to the proper pressure and check them often.
4. I give my wheels, tires and hitch assembly a quick check at each
5. I carry a jack, lug wrench and tire pressure gauge on all trips.
6. I log my TT mileage so I know when the wheel bearings need greased
and the brakes need adjusted.
7. If we leave the trailer for an extended side trip we stow the awning.
8. We always leave one end of the awning about 6" lower than the other
to ensure rain water will not build up.
9. Make sure campfires are totaly out when finished with them.
10. Before leaving the trailer I always check that stove burners are all
off and roof vents are closed.
11. If you conceal and carry, make sure you know the laws of the states
you are in or are driving through.
12. Grease/oil your hitch per mfgr. recomendations.
13. I will change my own tires, but with a blown/flat tire would slowly
drive to a safe place rather than try to change one on the side of a
busy highway.
14. Inspect your tires. If any dry rot is observed, you should get new
tires. I believe an unwritten (maybe it is written somewhere) rule is
that tires older than 5 years should be replaced.
15. The propane gas bottle valve should be opened all the way
and "snugged" open. These valves have a backseat that keeps gas
from leaking out around the valve stem when the valve is open.
16. Study your brake controller manual and know how to adjust it for
proper and safe operation.
17. If you get a gut feeling that something isn't right, it probably isn't.
18. Don't forget the camera and spare batteries so you can show
everyone your trip highlights.
Paul & Jan
Columbia, Missouri
2014 Cougar 31RKS, 2012 blue Oval F 250 XLT 6.2 L, 6 speed, 4 X 4.