It was a short lived second career after I retired from the US NAVY.
Fuel prices killed it off for me, as one dealer after another shut their doors around Memphis TN. Many dealers and service places are no longer around because of it. I myself decided I would no longer do that for a living, but if I can help I will.
I can most often be found at FTE -
I can't say how often I will show up here to help you - since it is another place on the web that distracts me from my main interests.
But if you go to FTE, you can contact me there if you have bad trouble.
I WROTE most of the "TIPS and TRICKS" threads you will find there on those forums while I was still an active day-to-day RV tech.
They can be found in the Towing, Trailer, and Fifth Wheel forum.
I WON'T promise that I'll come here every single day to chase coach problems - but if you have trouble that is interesting, I just may jump in.
One of your members was asking me if what I wrote over there could be copied to here - but even though they are arguably MY OWN intellectual property, they also now belong to FTE and through them to IBI. So I really don't know what to tell you about that.
I don't quite know what else to tell you.