OK, another new owner
Hi Gang!
Bought a 2004 Sole' in March. Had an Aerolite hybrid for four and one half years. It was our first TT and does not owe us a penny! However, going from the Cub to the Sole' was like going from the outhouse to the penthouse!! The best thing we like about the Sole' is the easy chairs in the living room. Don't need a couch, only two of us, see the grandkids only a couple times per year and they have expressed no interest in traveling with us, so don't need lotsa sleeping arrangements. We travel around the country as vendors doing 30-35 running/triathlon expos per year, so we are almost full timers! (About 200 days per year!). Have been to the "left coast" once and almost there, AZ, once. Most of our shows are east of the Mississippi. Would like to have a little more "down time" between expos, but can't live on social security!! Hint for old timers/geezers. If you do not have Golden Age Passport, get it. Generally lets you into all National Parks et al. However, Louisiana State Parks also honor it. Used it extensively as much as possible last winter and the most we paid in any State Park in Louisiana was $9 per night.
Well, I tend to ramble on. Hope to hear from y'all. (That is what I get for spending so much time in Dixie!!)
"Coach Dave"
Have a 2004 Sunline Sole' pulled by a 2000 Ford 350 diesel extended van which also houses and transports our expo display. Love the Sole', the van is becoming annoying!!