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Old 07-09-2010, 07:48 AM   #1
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newbie with a question.

Let me start by saying i have surfed this site and there is some really great info on here. I recently purchased a 2003 T-267 SR and overall am very happy with it. The previous owners barely used it and it sat most of its life. What is the best product to use to clean the outside (metal siding). I was thinking Krud Kutter housewash but didn't know if it would hurt the finish. The exterior is very dirty! Any advice on what to look for or do's/dont's for this model? Thanks in advance for the info

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Old 07-09-2010, 02:19 PM   #2
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Welcome to SOC. The members here are very friendly and willing to help with any questions you have.

The most recommended cleaner is Awesome. You can find it at the dollar stores (that's right, just $1.00!) and it does a great job on those dreaded black streaks. Be sure to clean a small area and rinse off before moving to the next area. Although Sunline said not to wax, some members do. I don't know what wax they use but they will most likely be along soon with their suggestions.

When it comes to repairs and maintenance, JohnB posts some fantastic info with lots of pictures. If you haven't seen it already, he wrote a detailed post here Hopefully you won't have this problem, but the post shows what to look for.

SunlineFan is SOC's "historian". He is keeping a registry of Sunlines here

When you've finished cleaning and shining, you may want to post some pictures to show it off. We like pics!

You don't say where you're located or what area you'll be traveliing in. There are a couple meet-and-greets in NY, one in PA and another in MI that may be of interest to you.

Enjoy your new-to-you Sunline!

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Old 07-09-2010, 04:45 PM   #3
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thanks for the info, i will have to look for Awesome. We live in southern NJ and will probably stay somewhat close to home for this camping season. We do have a trip planned for Frontier Town in August.
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Old 07-09-2010, 08:51 PM   #4
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Welcome My2 boys!!!

Glad to have you with us. I see Dona already gave you the tip on the Awesome. LA's Totally Awesome Products I use it too. I mix up a bucket of water and the Awesome for the general wash and then on hard to get spot I use the squirt bottle full strength and a MR Clean Magic Eraser. Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Original The combo of the Magic erase and the Awesome enhances both products.

And as Dona pointed out, don’t let the clean dirt dry back on. Keep a wet edge and rinse before the “stuff” drys back on.

Since your starting off with a heavy soiled camper, like we all have in the spring…. A heads up to wash the roof first, then go do the sides. The roof has most likely a lot of dirt on it and that dirt will create black steak heaven. So knock it down at the source first. I use Tide laundry soap on the rubber roof and a long car wash brush to reach over to do the roof. Get a good solid step ladder to get up there.

And unless you know for sure your roof has the plywood “option” for a walk on roof, they are not walkable unless you put a protective tarp down and small pieces of ½” or more plywood on top to support you. The rafters are on 16” centers and air in between…

Good luck and welcome.

Current Sunlines: 2004 T310SR, 2004 T1950, 2004 T2475, 2007 T2499, 2004 T317SR
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Old 07-09-2010, 11:22 PM   #5
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Thanks for the heads up on the magic eraser, first ive heard of that. I started cleaning today and was quite surprised how well it is coming clean and looking good. Due to the extreme year round sun (where it was parked in previous owners yard) the decals have started to rollup and distort. Any ideas where i could get replacements? It's not a huge deal but i am trying to put everything back to original. Had a few broken blind hold downs, wands, floor vents etc, mostly small stuff thank god. All the little trinket things have been ordered and will hopefully be here next week. I have read the factory has closed down so i would imagine the decals are obsolete but it's worth a shot. It's a shame as i live 2-2 1/2 hours from Denver PA.
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Old 07-10-2010, 09:47 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by my2boys View Post

Due to the extreme year round sun (where it was parked in previous owners yard) the decals have started to rollup and distort. Any ideas where i could get replacements? It's not a huge deal but i am trying to put everything back to original.

snip... I have read the factory has closed down so i would imagine the decals are obsolete but it's worth a shot. It's a shame as i live 2-2 1/2 hours from DenverPA.
See this post, it may help

Your TT and mine are very close to the same age. While mine is a 2004 model it was made in Oct 2003. The 1st 3 1/2 years of life of my T310SR was not as loved as it is now.

When a camper is new is the time to stall out decal deterioration. Prior to this T310 camper I bought a new 2004 T2499 in 2004. And that camper we babied from the day I pulled it home until the day it left this spring. I put 303 UV protectant on the decals after each time I washed it and I stored it inside. And it made a significant difference in the lasting of the decals. The sun is for sure a killer of all things plastic on a camper.

The T310SR however I do believe use to be on a seasonal site by the prior owner as it showed very little evidence of ever being towed much in the 3 1/2 years before I bought it. And it sat I believe for almost ~ 8 months plus on the dealers lot before I bought it. I have just about replaced every plastic item on the roof now from sun damage and the decals are for sure taken a beating.

Last year I had to try something or I was going to loose about all of them. Here was the beginning. Back in 2008.

I did finally loose the rear one and have since removed it. And lucky me I found 2 new ones that I bought now about 2 years ago from a fellow forum member who bought them from Stultfus Adamstown, Pennsylvania, Cedar Creek, Salem, Surveyor, RV, Fifth Wheel, Class A, Park Model, Dealer, Used, Parts, Travel trailer,camping trailer They may have some left.

But I have not put the rear one back on yet. To help save what was left I found out a tip from Sunline Fan’s dad who was experimenting with clear automotive finish tape. First I cleaned the area well near the pealing then with a hair dryer warmed the decal and placed it back down. Then I covered them. So for over a year they still look good on the flat fiberglass panels. The front rock guard, the cargo hole, the entry door panels etc. However on the aluminum siding the corrugation gives me issues of the clear tape not sticking and moisture getting behind it and then it does not work as well.

The long pin strip on both lengths of the camper are dull and I have not yet found a way to bring them back to life. Still working on that. I have heard some have used a car wax with several coats and buffed them to bring them back to life. I have not yet tried that.

And yes, it was a sad day back in Nov. 2006 when Sunline started shutting down. We remember that time well. This forum had just started up earlier that year before the end came. We are now a self support group and growing one member at a time.

Hope this helps

Current Sunlines: 2004 T310SR, 2004 T1950, 2004 T2475, 2007 T2499, 2004 T317SR
Prior Sunlines: 2004 T2499 - Fern Blue
2005 Ford F350 Lariat, 6.8L V10 W/ 4.10 rear axle, CC, Short Bed, SRW. Reese HP trunnion bar hitch W/ HP DC

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Old 07-13-2010, 08:37 AM   #7
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Thanks for the advice on the Magic Eraser. That product is amazing, i still can't believe how well it worked. NEXT QUESTION!!! Is it safe to use the refirgerator on propane while towing the trailer??? I plan to pull out tomorrow so all replys appreciated.
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Old 07-13-2010, 08:53 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by my2boys View Post
Thanks for the advice on the Magic Eraser. That product is amazing, i still can't believe how well it worked. NEXT QUESTION!!! Is it safe to use the refirgerator on propane while towing the trailer??? I plan to pull out tomorrow so all replys appreciated.
Yes you can use the propane, just not going thru tunnels. I don't know if yours is a 3-way refg. but I always use the 12 volts. when towing.
Joe & Donna

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Old 07-13-2010, 11:38 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by my2boys View Post
Thanks for the advice on the Magic Eraser. That product is amazing, i still can't believe how well it worked. NEXT QUESTION!!! Is it safe to use the refirgerator on propane while towing the trailer??? I plan to pull out tomorrow so all replys appreciated.

Hi My2boys

Yes the Magic Eraser/Awesome combo is amazing….. I picked up the Magic Eraser tip from a fellow RV’er but not in the combo method. So returning the favor we pass it along to other fellow RV’ers. Those black streaks are in for it….

The towing with the fridge on LP question has come up before and there are 2 schools of thought on this. To do it or not to do it….

There are many who have and do travel with the fridge on LP. When they come to a gas station they stop before the gas pumps and shut the fridge off, then turn on again once fueled and away from the pump. The control circuit is setup to monitor the flame and if the flame goes out it will shut down the fridge providing everything works.

There are also those that do not like the idea of traveling with an open flame in the fridge area and as such they turn the fridge off when traveling. The concern is fire risk.

I have not seen in print in the Dometic manuals that state it is OK or not OK to travel with the fridge on LP. It may be there, just I have yet to find it. If someone has, please post.

I myself are from school who does “not” travel with the fridge on LP. We cool the fridge down the night before so it is fully chilled down and we put many freezer blocks in the freezer compartment to get them froze solid. So come the day of camping it is all cold, put cold food in from the house, shut the fridge off and move the freezer blocks to the fridge area. We do have 2 of the Camco battery fans inside to circulate the air inside. If you do not open the door once closed up until you get to camp, we have been able to travel 6 to 8 hours during the fall and the temp only rise from 33 to 38F. We have a remote temp sensor to read the temp. This works for us. On short 1 to 2 hr trips it will only get to 35.

Most of the larger campers do not have the 3 way 12 volt option which is handy for this type of thing. Odd they do not as they do have the heat probe sleeve in the boiler tube area for the 12 volt option but it is not installed normally. I have seen the 3 way on PU’s and smaller fridges. Your 2003 T267 most likely does not have the 12 volt option unless the prior owner added it special.

Hope this helps and good luck camping. Report back on how the camp goes too. We like hearing about your camping adventures as well.

Current Sunlines: 2004 T310SR, 2004 T1950, 2004 T2475, 2007 T2499, 2004 T317SR
Prior Sunlines: 2004 T2499 - Fern Blue
2005 Ford F350 Lariat, 6.8L V10 W/ 4.10 rear axle, CC, Short Bed, SRW. Reese HP trunnion bar hitch W/ HP DC

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Old 07-13-2010, 04:35 PM   #10
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Hi My2boys welcome to the club. what part of south Jersey are you from? my dad now lives out side of Sea Isle city . and I spent alot of my childhood weekend down the shore, and we vaction alot down there now. What week are you going to frontier town in August ? my wife and our two boys are going there the week of the 7th threw the 15th , Happy camping Dan (sunnyseagull)
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Old 07-13-2010, 10:46 PM   #11
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Thanks again for all the input guys. Dan, we are in Cumberland County NJ which is roughly 45min from Sea Isle, In fact we are camping this weekend right near Sea Isle. We live up the coast more, more along the Delaware bay shore. I believe we are going to Frontiertown the last week in August
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Old 08-14-2010, 10:03 PM   #12
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The best cleaner I found is Spray Nine (SPARINGLY) and rinse thoroughly ASAP and do small sections at a time. I use a car washing brush with an expandable handle, saves using a ladder. Try to avoid spraying directly on the graphics or dilute with some water. To protect after washing I spray on Armourall and again I use a car washing brush and let this sit for awhile then rinse the milky residue with water. After a few treatments of Armourall it will be very easy to wash. When heading out spray a little Armourall on the front of the trailer and your tow vehicle, this will prevent the bugs from sticking and will be very easy to wash and clean after your trip.

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267 sr, exterior, how to clean exterior

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