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Old 06-14-2007, 11:45 PM   #1
Join Date: Jun 2007
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SUN #311
new-to-me 1979 Sunspot

Hi! I stumbled on this forum while checking out a 1980 Sunline SunSpot on eBay--thanks so much for the wonderful brochures!

I've been fascinated by tiny trailers and traditional teardrops since I saw my first Aliner peak frame camper almost 20 years ago. I was investigating new/used teardrops when I found the Sunspot listing on eBay, and realized that the seller was only 45 minutes away. The Sunspot dimensions are very close to a traditional tear (5 x 10, where the Sunspot is about 4.5' wide x 10 feet long) but it's slightly higher inside, about 10 inches. That will make it easy to sit up and get in out of the weather when needed.

So that's me, and my new-to-me Sunspot.

Edited in on 16 June 2009: Based on the VIN I finally found (416479) it's likely my Sunspot is really a 1979. But what's another year older among friends?

Gaelen (@gaelen2 on Twitter)
2010 Jeep Patriot & 1979 Sunline Sun Spot (550 lbs.)
1 english cocker spaniel, 1 foster retired racing greyhound, & all their gear
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Old 06-15-2007, 06:11 AM   #2
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Poppy & Nana is an unknown quantity at this point'll just be fascinated by all the valuable information you can get on this if you have a question - ask!

Congrats on your "new to you" Sunline!

Kathy & Leo SUN 093
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Old 06-15-2007, 08:14 AM   #3
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I saw that auction, and just LOVE the sunspots! I, too am facinated by small campers, in fact we sold our ALINER to get our Que, but I have my eye on the little Sunline 5th wheel on e-bay right now! You should come to the Rally in PA so I can get a firsty hand loook! That unit was IMMACULATE!!!!!!! You got a steal!

Link to the rally:
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Old 06-15-2007, 11:30 AM   #4
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If you like tiny trailers and tear drops in particular, you must see the T@B at We owned one for three seasons and now have the T1950. For a 1300# camper the T@B is quite unique.
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Old 06-15-2007, 09:01 PM   #5
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Thanks for the welcome, everyone.
Yes, I think T@Bs are cool, too, although I really wanted to keep my tow load under 750 lbs empty. I only have a 4cyl Chevy s10 with a bumper hitch and manual transmission, and I'm also hauling two dogs, six crates and dog training equipment when camping--so lighter is always better!

The Sunspot I got was not the fully equipped one, but the one that had been stripped down--which is fine with me, since it means I can use it as both a camper and a cargo trailer, depending on where I'm going. I don't know if I will be able to make the Poconos gathering--my schedule right now is a little crazy at work. But it's on my calendar for sure, and if things lighten up, I'll be there!
Gaelen (@gaelen2 on Twitter)
2010 Jeep Patriot & 1979 Sunline Sun Spot (550 lbs.)
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Old 06-23-2007, 10:39 AM   #6
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I thought I'd post some pics, but for now, it's probably just easier to post the link to my pictures of the 1980 Sunspot on the Teardrops and Tiny Travel Trailers forum:

I brought the Sunspot home last night--towed great in 20-25 mph winds the whole way. Now it's time to roll up my sleeves and do some work...a good scrubbing, get new locks for the side and rear doors, reseal all the doors and windows, get a new battery and rewire so that I have a shore power outlet, some interior outlets, a solar or trickle charging system and a battery or solar powered fan for the roof vent. The work begins!

If the weather holds, I want to put up the canopies on the side and back and see how they're holding up. And then I need to move the trailer to a safer spot until I can get the new door locks.
Gaelen (@gaelen2 on Twitter)
2010 Jeep Patriot & 1979 Sunline Sun Spot (550 lbs.)
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Old 06-25-2007, 10:16 AM   #7
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Keep us posted!
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Old 08-12-2007, 06:14 PM   #8
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I guess the link to my pictures on the T&TTT forum are limited to forum members only, but I finally got around to updating my yahoo photos turned photobucket albums. So here are some pics of my little Sunspot.

I 'went camping' overnight last night in the back field where the trailer is stored while I'm working on it. It's campable, but I'm on the bench due to physical therapy for my lower back and left hip--the only appointments available include Saturday morning, which kind of cuts into camping time.

This is the picture where I brought her home:

and this is a passenger side picture:

here, Madison (the blue roan) and Casey (the old red boy) investigate their new vacation home...the red paisley tapestry from the late 80s is mostly gone now!):

This was my first camping spot--most of my other gear is stashed in the truck behind the trees. I didn't think to snap pics until I was almost picked up!

And here are a couple of views of some of the cleaned up, working-on-it interior:

I want to finish off/seal the cedar paneling inside so that it's a bit easier to keep clean, so I need to find a sealer that will show off the grain and keep the light color.

I've got lots more work to do...and some avocado green carpet on the walls and ceiling that needs to go away...but it's slowly coming along. Enjoy!
Gaelen (@gaelen2 on Twitter)
2010 Jeep Patriot & 1979 Sunline Sun Spot (550 lbs.)
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Old 08-12-2007, 10:48 PM   #9
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That looks like such a fun project. There's one thing I'd like to point out to you so you can have the chance to do something about it before it's too late. The taillights you have on there are not original. As you can see in the pic, there were larger ones on there at one time. I don't think there's a need to replace them if you aren't restoring it and they still work, but make sure the old holes are sealed up good with something so you don't get any water damage in there.

BTW, in case you do want to put original style lights on, the originals were the Bargman #91 series, with white base plates:

2007 T-286SR Cherry/Granola, #6236, original owner, current mileage: 9473.8 (as of 6/18/21)
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Old 06-16-2009, 10:43 AM   #10
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a question about SunSpot production numbers

I took the Sunspot to its first rally this weekend (TearUp the Adirondacks 2009 at Fish Creek Pond State Campground.) Many folks stopped to look her over (including Steve Collins from this forum--nice to finally meet you, Steve!)

Anyway--I remember somewhere finding information that the total number of Sunpots produced/still on the road. I know it was a small number, but couldn't remember if it was around 20, total, or 20/year or around 20 still on the road.

Jon, do you know?

One of the teardroppers from PA went over my trailer, and said he believes there's a Sunspot in garage near him. He wants to go check it out, and restore it if he can. I mentioned that they were a very small production run and only made from '78 to '82, and he couldn't believe it (although it makes sense to me; this wasn't Sunline's big-sell trailer...)

Any ideas how I'd find out what the production run of Sunspots was?

Gaelen (@gaelen2 on Twitter)
2010 Jeep Patriot & 1979 Sunline Sun Spot (550 lbs.)
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