We are a "new" Sunline owner, but own an "old", 2001 T-2980 Sunline.
The "maybe" part comes into play, being that I am a self-employed contractor. The economy, in the coming months, will dictate if I can keep the unit or not.
I had second thoughts when I purchased the unit, only because of the economy, but had an offer I could not refuse.
Where we live does not allow me any area to park the camper, so we have to park it at a Self-Storage lot. This makes it a bit hard to work on the camper, but not impossible.
So far we have spots reserved at Appalachian, Granite Hill (Gettysburg), and Lake Glory (Knoebels), all in Pa.
Two quick questions, with more likely to come.
I just purchased a battery to check the 12 volt system. What do others do with the battery until camping? I did take it back home, but do you keep a trickle charge on the battery, or just let it sit idle?
Second, there is a vinyl or rubber insert/molding around all the doors on the outside of the camper. Some of mine, especially on the smaller access doors, that could be replaced.
Has anyone ever replaced these, or know a location to purchase the material.
Thanks in advance,
Phil and Diana Long