Originally Posted by Aariel
Thanks for your reply. There appear to be two pilots, but I'm not sure if that's correct. Of my two oven pictures, the top picture is the apparatus inside the oven but at the top ... I wonder if that lights the top burners? Then there is apparatus inside the oven but underneath the bottom rack and plate ... maybe that's for lighting the oven? Or maybe it's not a pilot at all...
Can I try to turn a burner on and just hold a match to the burner to light it? What is the knob on the right that says "LITE LITE LITE..."?
This pic is of the oven thermostat. It is not the pilot. Do not hold the lighter next to it.
This burner area is where the pilot is and where you light it. And like the other guys said, use a long grill lighter, not a match. Odds are high the match will burn out before the pilot lights.
I am not 100% familiar with the Magic Chef oven burner, but the thin little tube on the left side sure looks like the thermocouple. So the pilot should be in that area as the pilot when lit will heat the end of the thermocouple. So, turn oven knob to pilot, press the knob "in" and hold it, and hold the grill lighter in that area. When it lights, wait about 10 to 15 seconds and then let go of the knob. If it blows out, try again. If you can get a better/closer pic of that area left, we can tell for sure if the pilot it there. If you give us the model number of the range, we can help look for a manual on line for it.
This stove top knob "click, click click", is a click type spark generator as was said. As you rotate it, it should snap and will produce spark at any of the 3 stove burners. Assuming it even works any more, turn the burner of choice to "Lite" (which is high gas) snap the Click Click Click knob a few times. Many times the clicker does not work right when they get old. You can use that same grill lighter used for he oven and light the stove burners.
Since you are new at this, when you first turn on the LP gas at the tanks, it is very possible there is a lot of trapped air in the lines. When you turn on a stove burner, you can hear hissing but it may be air and not gas. Holding the grill lighter on until the air is purged out and then it will ignite. And the clicker will not have a chance at lighting an air filled burner. They only work, when they do, after the stove is purged out.
Sunline normally always has a small window somewhere near the stove. Crack the window open to allow fresh air in and gas stink out.
Your doing great learning your new camper! Keep up the good work and keep asking questions as needed. The pics are GREAT!
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