Hi Abianco,
We are so sorry to hear about your house fire. We hope this all comes out OK.
On the camper,
Manuals: Our FILES section contains camper and appliance manuals. Look at the top of the forum for the FILES tab and click it.
There is a section for owner manuals and appliances. You must check the model of the appliances and match it with the correct manufacturer's manual.
On the furnace blowing cold air, please tell us more about the furnace. Was the system heating OK, and then did it stop heating? Or has it never worked at all since you bought the camper? We need to know what was working until it stopped heating.
Here are a few quick things to check and see,
1. Check the LP gas tanks to ensure that they have enough gas to allow the furnace to light the gas burner. You can do a quick gas check by lighting all three stove top burners to see if there is enough gas and that it is flowing to light all three stove top burners. If they do not light, then it points to no gas coming. Turn the stove top burners off after doing this test. Please do not use them to heat the camper, which is unsafe. During cold winter months, the camper furnaces use a lot of gas. Yours may only have one 20# cylinder, and I am unsure if it has one or two cylinders.
2. The furnace in a 95 camper should have an automatic ignition system to start the gas burner. If the burner does not light or runs out of gas, it will try and light for three attempts. If it fails the third time, it will go into a safety lockout and stay locked out until you manually reset the system. And the fan keeps blowing the whole time when the T stat is still calling for heat, even when the ignition is locked out. To reset the system from a lockout, once you know you have LP gas, turn the furnace off, wait 30 seconds, and turn it back on so that the T stat is calling for heat. It resets when you turn it off. It will try three more times to light before going into lockout again if it does not start the gas burner.
Please tell us the make and full model number of the furnace. Remove the front grate to find the model number sticker inside the camper. Behind the grate, there should be a model number sticker. Please take pictures of the sticker and some showing the furnace with the grate off so we know which model you have and its condition. Also, please take a picture of the T-stat so we know which one you have. A prior owner may have changed something from the original.
We can help better when where know the make & model you have.
I hope this helps,
PS: Since you are running a generator, is there a battery in the camper, or are you only running off the battery? Could you tell us about the battery, how you are using the generator, and for how long? If on battery only, when the battery gets low on power, the fan slows down, and the system will not light when the fan is not running fast enough.