Here are a few pictures I took of the installation of the new charger/converter.
Here the old unit is just about ready to be removed. I disconnected the 110 volt power to the camper and also the 12 volt battery. Also I waited a little while to allow the capacitors to discharge before removing the old charger. If you have every been shocked by a capactor you know why I waited.
I had a minor problem when I went to disconnect the power feed from the charger to the fuse buss. The brass nut embedded inside the plastic was spinning free and would not allow me to loosen the screw. I had to chisel the plastic off of the nut to allow me to grab the nut with pliers. After that small issue the rest of the job went smoothly.
I mounted the new Progressive Dynamics PD9260C behind the power panel. You can see the outlet in the upper right of the picture I installed to power up the charger. I debated on hard wiring the charger or installing an outlet and settled on installing an outlet.
Here you can see the charger behind the power panel. I cut out the plastic housing where the old unit was housed. I had a little problem cutting the bottom with my rotozip as you can see from the jagged edge.
The plastic housing for the old charger was tapered so I was able to cut a few inches off the old plastic housing and reinserted it into the power center. This made for a cleaner installation and freed up a few inches behind the power center to allow the new charger installation.