2019 WNY M&G Ice Cream Social Sign-Up
2019 WNY M&G Ice Cream Social Sign-Up
When: Friday (09/20)
Time: 7:30pm
Where: Pavilion
Please post a reply to this topic thread if you are interested in attending the Ice Cream Social.
Include in your reply what you plan to bring to share and number of attendees.
(# of attendees is so we can gauge if we have enough ice cream contributions)
What to Bring to Share:
Each attendee (i.e., site) is to bring to share:
> Ice Cream & Ice Cream scoop
> Syrup & Topping such as wipe cream, nuts, sprinkles, etc.
What you need:
Everyone is to bring their own
> Bowl &
> Spoon
The original provider should pick up their ice cream or toppings at the conclusion of the social.
Any ice cream or toppings not picked up by 11pm will be thrown out.
(remember please put your name & site # on your scoop so it doesn't get lost)
I will try to maintain a listing of those that have signed up and what they’re bringing.
Thanks for your cooperation.
Mary & Hutch
*************** Sign-Up List ***************
Ice Cream:
> Chocolate Ice Cream - PTHutch/MAHutch
> Rolo Ice Cream - Trailblazer
> raspberries - Mellow Yellow
Mary & Tom (aka Hutch)
2015 Jayco Eagle Premier 361REQS
2014 GMC Sierra 3500HD 4x4 CC D/A
Sunlines: 2005 Solaris T-280SR; 1999 Solaris T-2670; 1998 Saturn T-24A