2018 WNY M&G Chinese Grab Bag
Again this year we’ll be doing a Chinese Grab Bag at the WNY M&G.
For those of you not familiar with the Chinese Grab Bag event, here's some basic info.
Chinese Grab Bag info:
1. Each participant is to bring a gift.
2. The gift is to be of $15 value.
3. Gifts should be packaged in a Brown Paper Grocery Bag or something similar.
This is intended so that all gifts are packaged similarly.
4. Spouses may play as a couple or individually.
The more participants, the more fun.
5. The Chinese Grab Bag will be conducted Saturday evening after the pot-luck dinner.
WNY Chinese Grab Bag Rules:
1. All participants place their packaged gift on the Table.
2. Each participant draws a number out of a hat, this identifies the order of play.
3. Round 1: Participant w/ #1 selects a bag from the table, opens it, and shows it off to the other participants.
4. Round 2: Participant w/ #2 now has the option of selecting a bag from the table or stealing Participants #1 gift (see Round / Stealing rules).
5. Round 3: Participant w/ #3 now has the option of selecting a bag from the table or stealing from any Participant currently holding a gift (see Round / Stealing rules).
6. Rounds continue until each participant’s has had the option to play.
7. Last Round: The last round starts after the last gift bag has been selected from the table (see Last Round Rules).
Round / Stealing Rules:
1. Each Round starts with a Participant either selecting from the table or stealing a gift.
2. If the Participant selects from the table – the round ends and the game transitions to the next participant / round.
3. If the participant elects to steal a gift, then the participant that had their gift stolen has the option of selecting a gift from the table or stealing a gift from another participant holding a gift,
however, they can not steal back the gift just stolen from them (i.e., the participant that stole a gift is considered safe for only the next move).
4. A round ends when a participant selects a gift from the table.
Last Round Rules:
1. The Last Round starts after all Participants have played (i.e., after the last gift has been selected from the table).
2. Participant #1 has the option of switching gifts with any Participant or keeping their gift.
3. If Participant #1 chooses to keep their gift – the game is over.
4. If Participant #1 switches a gift, play continues by the participant that had their gift taken has the option of switching their gift with any other participant holding a gift or keeping the gift they were given.
Note: they can not switch with the participant that just gave them the gift (i.e., the participant that switches / steals a gift is considered safe for only the next move)
5. Play continues until a participant decides to keep the gift they were given (instead of switching for another).
Note: The Chinese Grab Bag coordinator (i.e., myself) will act as moderator of all interactions.
Hopefully the rules make sense to everyone. We will go over the rules again at the M&G before playing the game.
If interested in participating in the Chinese Grab Bag at the WNY M&G, Please reply to this tread with the number of participants.
This is to ensure there are sufficient participants to hold this event.
Then bring a gift to the M&G and be ready to have fun.
Current # of Participants: 7