The rental units and shuttle service has been reserved with Buttonwwod for the individuals currently signed up as of today (06/05/09).
Which includes:
Rentals for 10 Single Kayaks & 2 Canoes.
Shuttle service for 13 individuals and 6 single kayaks, 1 tandem kayak, & 3 canoes.
This guarantees all individuals currently signed up with a rental unit or shuttle service.
Still room for others to join:
Buttonwood still has 7 single kayaks, 3 tandem kayaks, & 8 canoes avilable to rent, but will no longer be holding all rental units for us.
So, there’s still room for others to join the river trip, but it will be depended on the availability of rental units, if renting.
If you are not currently signed up and would like to participate in the river trip you can either call Buttonwood to reserve your unit or check in at the office on your arrival or the day of the trip for availability of rental units.
If you call or check at the office after your arrival please tell them you are part of the Sunline group participating in the 2pm Sat. river trip.
Payment Reminder:
Renters please pay for your rental unit and trip when you arrive or by Sat. AM.
Shuttlers’, may pay for the shuttle service prior to the trip.
Payments are to be made at the Buttonwood’s office.
When you pay for the trip / shuttle service please indicate you are with the Sunline group doing the 2pm Saturday river trip.
See everyone in a week.
Mary & Tom (aka Hutch)
2015 Jayco Eagle Premier 361REQS
2014 GMC Sierra 3500HD 4x4 CC D/A
Sunlines: 2005 Solaris T-280SR; 1999 Solaris T-2670; 1998 Saturn T-24A