Update on Eastern M&G's Saturday Paddling Adventure.
Trip Overview:

Trip will start at 1 pm on Saturday.

It will be a 2 hour trip - Mexico to Muskrat Springs

We'll put in across the street from the campground.

With shuttle service provided by Buttonwood from Muskrat Springs back to the campground.
For Renters:

Please pay for your rental when you arrive or Sat. morning.

Tell them you’re with the Sunline group doing the Saturday 1 pm trip.
For Shuttle Only:

Buttonwood will provide shuttle back to the campground.
We’ll just need to tell them how many people & units that need shuttle only before we take off.

You can pay for the Shuttle service upon return to the campground.
Current count is:
Total participants: 28
Renters: 13 individuals; Units: 9 – single kayaks & 2 – tandem
Shuttle Only: 15 individuals: Units: 8 – single kayaks; 2 – tandem; & 1 – canoe
Here’s the list I have for individuals looking to rent:
Name ..................................
# units & type
Jon, Dave, & Jill (Sunline Fan) . 3 – single kayaks
Tom & Mary (PTHutch) ............ 2 – single kayaks
chuck & lori (chuck & lori) ....... 1 – tandem kayak
Rob and Kathy H (kathyh) ....... 2 - single kayaks
Dave & Sue (Irishcamper) ....... 1 – tandem kayak
George & Judy (Wgeorgell) ....... 2 - single kayaks
Please let me know if there are any corrections or additions to this list.
I need to give them a final count of the number and type of units we want rent a week prior to our M&G so they can make sure the have the units available.
There’s another large group going out Sat. AM, before us that they need to coordinate rentals with.
Here’s a link to Buttonwood’s
Kayaking rental page for rental prices.
Sorry – I forgot to ask what the cost for shuttle only would be.
Here's the current list of Shuttle Only Participants
Name ..................................
# units & type
Pam & Steve (Quetse) .................... 1 tandem kayak
Mike & Roz (264SRinPA) ................. 1 canoe
Lowell & Amanda (HappyCampers) .. 2 kayaks
Mike (Mike) ................................... 1 kayak
Fred & Janet (janetpowell) .............. 2 kayaks
Craig & Connie (ckayakers) ........... 2 kayaks
(a definite maybe)
Jason and Kim (Lode) .................... 2 kayaks
Mark and Beth (have2camp) .......... 1 Tandem Kayak
Totals: 1 - canoe; 9 - Single Kayaks; 2 - Tandem Kayaks
PM me if you have any questions.