Hi John,
Wow, had no idea that HenryJ had tire problems with Maxxis!
The factory has no issue with using radial tires with the Wide Trax suspension. That's good to know! The factory rep told me that he is using Duro tires on his 5er and that the tire issues for the most part have been resolved. Folks on the Heartland forum who have switched from bias tires to radials all seem to be happy with the results and state the RV tows better with the radials.
As to why replace the tires, it appears we were not thinking clearly and just reacting to postings about trailer tires in general and Duro in particular. However, after actually looking at the Duro tires, the DOT code is 1410 so the tires are not that old. They look to be in good shape and never lose air. They are at the recommended inflation and always covered when not traveling. It seems that we should get through this year just fine with the Duro tires and consider replacing them next year before we take a long trip. I can only hope that tire manufacturers start to make better tires

but doubt that will happen.
We are leaving July 1 for southwestern PA for my nephew's wedding and camping in my mother's yard. That's a trip of close to 300 miles one way so I hope Murphy is somewhere else and there are no tire issues to report on.