I do believe your table is the same as ours.
Everyone uses their camper different. In our case DW uses the couch and I use the swivel rocker. Sitting down to eat was sort of a challange until you figured out a method. We actually slide our table on purpose a lot and pining it would be an issue for us the way we us it.
I know this sounds, well (you have to be kidding me) but this is what we do.
We slide the table, dishes, coffee in the mug on and all, way to one side. For now let's say DW is going to sit at couch first. So we slide it to the rocker area so she can get in.
She sits down nice and easy now to get to on the couch and then I slide it way towards her. Actually it is now to close to here to eat at, but it is only for a moment.
I then "work" "hop' "shimmy" the rocker with me in it towards where I need to end up. I know, what a site....
After doing this enough times I have memorized the relationship of the arm of the rocker to the location on the back wall so I do it on the first try. I have tried the, put it in the right place first and pivot in, and it works some times. We sort of do a combo of both. But the table is still out of the way to get in.
Then DW slides the table back to me and it is now in the right place to dine.
The swivel rocker presents a challange as it is not like a normal table chair that you just pull up to where ever the table is.
If during the meal, Cindy needs to get up, Well....we just slide the table way into my area, she gets out, does her thing and comes back and we slide again back in the middle.
So as you can see in our case, we slide all the time.
If ANYONE has figured out a better method, PLEASE explain.... It took us a while to come up with this that works even if it is not ideal. I really would like too find a better method , but have not as of yet.
I have not noticed that it slides when we do not want it to. It moves easy, just it has not shown up as an issue "yet" at least the way we use it.
Since you are a wood worker kind of guy, I would go that route before I would drill a hole and pin. Actually need something that can be set (clamp) in any location. That way it is infinitely adjustable.
Maybe something like a large spring clamp OR a large binder clip. Basically something you clamp on each end of the table OR attach it on a wood block and only have on one end, and you just squeeze clamp, slide to where ever you want it and lock in place.
Kitty's comment on the T shaped foot. Mine does not have that, BUT an idea I may expand on. I may take a piece of 1 1/2 or 1" thick pine maybe 6 inches long, bore a blind hole in it the size of the pole and, attach the block foot to the pole. It would provide some more anti wiggle. The block would have to be thin enough to still fold up with the table.
OH while we are on this. On the swivel rocker. I'm a 6 foot guy and it was to low for me to eat at the table. I installed a block of 2 x 4 between the swivel mount and the chair frame to boost it up and 1 1/2". Now much better.
EDIT 1-4-06 Added pic of swivel rocker height fix
Hope this helps.