Angie and I decided to visit her daughter and grand son this past weekend. The closest CG to them, was Madison Bay CG. They have a few water & electric sites, but are mostly geared to seasonal. hey are right next door to a public boat ramp though. We got there on Friday afternoon and got set up..
Friday was "My" best day there.. Around midnight, I started having severe abdominal pains. I won't go into details, but I ended up so sick that I thought I was going to pass out in Sunny. I did lay back down for a while, but ended up having Angie call 911 for me. The fire/rescue station was right across the street, so their response time was less than 30 seconds. I got a really quick ride to the hospital and learned that my blood pressure was 192/113... It always goes up when I am in pain, but I didn't think I was hurting quite that bad..
Within minutes of getting my own personal ER room, they had an IV started and pushing pain medication, as well as Zofran for the nausea. There is a viral bug going around, that causes these symptoms. They were also concerned it might be diverticulitis. When the drugs they pushed started working, I was told that they could rule out the diverticulitis. They did warn me about what to expect from this virus. Needless to say, I spent all day Saturday and Sunday in bed. We were only reserved at the CG through Sunday, but I was in no condition to travel. We called the CG manager and let her know what was going on. She said she would be by today and check on me.
When I woke up this morning I was still in a lot of pain, but I wanted to at least try coming home. While we were packing up, the CG manager stopped by and said that she was not charging us for the extra night. Talk about great customer service!
We made the trip home and I only needed to stop a few times. I am so glad that Sunny has a bathroom!
P.S. I was told that a lot of the patients with this virus have required morphine to control the pain associated with it. Either I have a great tolerance for pain, or I got a moderately mild case of it. It did still kick my butt!