Hi John
See if this helps. You can use bits and pieces of this to make your combo work. I too was tired of those little green cylinders, the cost, then how to get rid of them and worst, the valve would leak after 1 use sometimes. I wanted to get a 10# refillable cylinder, good shut off valve, heavy construction tank, cheaper to refill and lasts a long time. But I had a problem of where to put it for transport. Both from a space stand point and a legal one. At that time I had a 2500 Suburban as my TV with our T2499 camper. So I ended up going with a 5# refillable that I could store on the TT tongue.
Now I have a PU truck. And more options are open to me to even use a spare 20# gas grill tank. That 20# barbeque grill tank fits exactly into a plastic milk crate if you can find one. Then you can strap it in the truck bed and it won’t tip over and is easier to carry.
Below are some pictures of my set ups and how we use them. I can use it in about any configuration.
First are the hoses that you talked about. They sell 5 to 8 foot ones. I have 2. One for cook stove the other the Weber Go anywhere grill. Or I screw them togehter to make one long hose if I run out of gas in the portable tank, I can go to the TT tanks to finish cooking dinner....
Marshal Brass makes them and they are packaged in many other brands.
http://www.marshallbrass.com/rv.htm Century camping also has them.
Coleman sells them in Walmart and Mr. Heater sells them too. At Camping world or other RV places.
The fitting ends you need to figure out which ones you want to use. I used the type that look like they screw onto the little green cylinders on both ends. Called a 1"-20FMSwivel to a 1"-20MSwivel . See here
Since I use 2 hoses, one to stove and 1 to grill, I stuck with that male female 1”-20 fitting. But if you want to just use 1 hose then this might work for you to go direct the tank to the grill. It has different ends.
I have a Tee made my Century but I cannot locate it on there web site to link you. But I have a picture. I bought mine at Walmart. Again need to know what style fitting you need/want.
I also use a propane gage to help tell me when the tank is getting low and to check for gas leaks. To leak check, turn on gas, see gage go up, turn off tank, then let it sit. Come back ½ hr later the gas pressure should still be up. If not you have a leak. This gage setup also converts me from the new style propane tank fitting to the Tee I have.
http://www.gasgaugedirect.com/ They sells these in a lot of places, Walmart, Ace Harware, Camping world, RV stores etc.
Here see what I do. Camping world has fairly good Mr. Heater selection but if you hunt enough you can find parts of these sort of all over by different brands. Ace Hardware also has a large selection.
The tank Tee, Gage and 2 hoses connecting when I use both the grill and the stove
A top view
One end to the Weber
Then one end to the stove
OR, when not grilling, I just use one end to the stove.
I can also carry then entire stove and tank to a picnic table if needed.
To carry my 5# tank when I had the Suburban I made this holder for it.
The tank on the tongue
A top view
The bottom carrier
Once you have figured out what you want, do some searching. Cost, length, the right fittings and adapters. With some hunting you can find the right combo and the cheapest price.
Hope this helps or gets you heading in the right direction to ask more questions.
Good luck