I dont know why I've never mentioned this before, but while we were sitting in Carl Kern's office while visiting the Sunline Factory, he told Cindy and I of another couple who were traveling to Alaska in a newly purchased Sunline.
Cindy and I spent our time reading this Blog while driving home from Pennsylvania, and after reading their entire journey
To & From Alaska, we were only more reassured of our purchase of our newly aquired Sunline. This is a wealth of knowledge for the traveler, as they discribe the daily battles they encountered while traveling from the Southern Half of the United States ,to the most Northern Sections, all the while doing it in a Sunline Travel Trailer.
Here is a link to their site, but as I sat looking through it trying to find the starting point, this was the first page I could find? Maybe I'm just lost, but this is the first day I can find on their blog, so start from here??
I'm not sure about the rest of you, but I find much info and comfort in studying others travels, especailly knowing they did it in a suitable trailer like ours.