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Old 04-09-2007, 10:28 AM   #1
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Need to see if anyone has any info out there....

My husband and I just recently purchased an oldie but goodie Sunline travel trailer. We love it!!!
It's a 1985 21' Sunline Travel Trailer. I have some questions for all of you out there in Sunline land

One, we can not find what model sunline this is. We have been searching for the usual sticker you find on most travel trailers that list such things as weight, model etc. But we have not been able to locate it. The only writing on the camper itself is Sunline and 20th Anniversary Edition.

Any ideas on where we can find the information on what model this is? Is there a 'common' spot in Sunline trailers that this information is located?

Also we are attempting to find a copy of the Owners Manual for the Camper. However we have not had any luck on locating any information about owners manuals. Any ideas on where I might be able to find one?

We are excited to join the sunline community. Can't wait to share in our adventures with all of you. Our first trip with the new camper will be on April 13th -April 15th. We can't wait

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Old 04-09-2007, 11:53 AM   #2
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Welcome to the Sunline Family! A great group we have here ready to help. All one needs to do is "ask".

We have a resident SunlineFan on here.... And where he get's all his cool stuff from is still amazing. Jon, I'm sure will be poping in any moment on this one. I think he just lives for someone like you to ask...

Here is a place to start to see if you can pick from the list. I thinks this is Jon's list as well.

Go to "files" on the Sunline Club forum. Upper right side of the screen

Then Go to Brochures

There are catalogs listed there. I did not see a 1985 one, but there is a 1983. You might find your floor plan there and can back into what you have.

Good luck and happy camping.


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Old 04-09-2007, 06:20 PM   #3
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I do have a copy of the '85 brochure that I'm currently restoring as we speak. However, I'm in Florida right now and I did bring my laptop, but my grandparents are driving back to MI tomorrow and taking it with them so I don't have to take it on the airplane. If I get a chance to look at it, I will, otherwise it will be Friday (maybe late Thurs. night) before I can get back to you. In the mean time, could you please post a general layout of your trailer, so I can narrow down what 21' model you have.

2007 T-286SR Cherry/Granola, #6236, original owner, current mileage: 9473.8 (as of 6/18/21)
1997 T-2653 Blue Denim, #5471
1979 12 1/2' MC, Beige & Avocado, #4639
Past Sunlines: '97 T-2653 #5089, '94 T-2251, '86 T-1550, '94 T-2363, '98 T-270SR
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Old 04-09-2007, 10:35 PM   #4
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I'm back! I was at the clubhouse computer room before (no WiFi) and computer use was limited to 30 mins. Anyway, I'm using my grandparents computer now with very slow AOL dial-up, so I'll try not to type anything I say about the old slow computer and the dial-up. That said, I forgot to mention before that I already sent the '84 brochure to Sarah (moderator), but she hasn't put it up yet. Here is what I found about the models. I don't have any pics with me here in sunny Florida, but I can try to post pics of as many models as possible when I get home. Here is what I found in the brochures:

There were five 21' models: T-2100, T-2101, T-2102, T-2103, and T-2104.

- The 2100 has dual lounge couches in the rear (with table in center), galley and kitchen in middle, and dinette table in front.

- The 2101 is the exact same, except the lounge on the DS (Door Side) is replaced with a chair.

- The 2102 is the exact same as the 2100 except for the lounge on the ODS (Opposing Door Side) is replaced with Stack Bunks.

- The 2103 is also the exact same as the 2100 except both lounges are missing, with a Innerspring bed replacing the ODS lounge, and a small nightstand/2nd entry door replacing the DS lounge.

- The 2104 is the same as the 2103, except the innerspring bed is replaced with triple bunks, the lower and upper paralleling the side wall and the middle paralleling the rear wall.

Each of these models are 21'5" long, from tounge to bumper, excluding any spare tires, etc. If your's is longer or shorter, there are plenty of models in the 22'7" range and one that's 19'8". Once you have figured out your model, I'll post all the specs for that model, such as width, height, tank capacities, etc.

Also, I can help you figure out your interior color. There was Blue, Rose, Salmon, Beige, Rust, Brown, Blue Velour, Rose Velour, and Rust Velour. Doing this will determine if you have a Deluxe or Standard model. FYI, there were no models in 1985, such as Saturn, Solaris, Satellite, and Seville. Those model names were first introduced into TT's in 1986.

Lastly, I have a list of 12 options I'll tell you about later.

2007 T-286SR Cherry/Granola, #6236, original owner, current mileage: 9473.8 (as of 6/18/21)
1997 T-2653 Blue Denim, #5471
1979 12 1/2' MC, Beige & Avocado, #4639
Past Sunlines: '97 T-2653 #5089, '94 T-2251, '86 T-1550, '94 T-2363, '98 T-270SR
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Old 04-09-2007, 10:49 PM   #5
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Like I said, Sunline Fan lives for this kind of question.

Jon, how you exactly extracted all that data is unbelievable!! WOW. And even while traveling… Gee whiz!

You know, if we knew, what we know now, we should of all got together and elected you as the east coast national sale guru for Sunline. I read your last post and your helping to try to sell Sunlines while visiting in FLA…. Heck Sunline could be having a gang buster year rather than seeing our great company being auctioned off on E bay. Boy that still hurts to even think about it…

Keep the faith alive and well. Your efforts are greatly appreciated by us all.

Current Sunlines: 2004 T310SR, 2004 T1950, 2004 T2475, 2007 T2499, 2004 T317SR
Prior Sunlines: 2004 T2499 - Fern Blue
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Old 04-10-2007, 12:38 AM   #6
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Hi John,

I don't mind taking a break from every day life, but not Sunline stuff. My parents actually decided to stop at Lazydays just to see it, since we've heard so much about how big it is, etc. They have a '03 Fleetwood Revolution and were thinking, maybe it's time to trade up. I was very impressed with Tiffin's products (after all, Bob Tiffin was on the RVIA board with Dale Zimmerman- which I kindly informed the salesman about). Anyway, I told my parents I will look at MH's, but I had to check out the Sunline's on the lot. I originally thought there would only be the '07 2363 listed online, but that actually sold by the time we got there and they got in the two '02's. Actually, the last time I was down here, two years ago, I went to the Sunline dealer closest to here (RV World in Nokomis, FL) and took A LOT (never counted, but in the dozens) of 2005 brochures and Transport flyers.

I guess I can thank my dad for all of this ability to post this week. We were supposed to tow our car trailer, with the '71 Jag, down here to my grandpa for him to try to sell, since the market is so bad in MI. At the last minute, he was having issues having the car to run right, so we didn't bring it. He has since narrowed down what the problem is, but he couldn't get the parts and put them in in time. All this just after I spent a hectic couple weeks before the trip trying to get new tires and wheels for the trailer. Oh well...Anyone looking for a '71 Jag, E-type, V12, Regency red/ Biscuit? Love to get rid of it in MI and not bring it to FL. I guarantee it will be running like brand new after we get home. Anyway, without towing the trailer, we got down here faster and found good hotels with WiFi, which I used Friday and Saturday nights.

Another funny story, The salesman at Lazydays said, "Well, it sounds like you know more about this trailer than I do, so tell me what it's worth". I'll give him the benefit of the doubt since the dealer doesn't sell Sunline, but still...

BTW, I decided to bring the laptop at the last minute, even though my grandparents leave with it in T-4 hours- I'm glad I did now. From now until Thursday evening, I have to rely on my memory (Now that's a scary thought!). I didn't get as much done with the brochures as I had hoped for, but I still made some progress. I just worry that come summer I'll be busier and not do much with them. I've also decided with the newer ones, starting with '86, I'm not going to redo all the text like I did before. It may not seem like much text, but it is, and then it all has to be aligned with the old text. That's the most time consuming part, especially if its a table of specs.


P.S. Now that I look down at your post again, I'd like to say I knew the layouts from memory, but I did look them up from my pics, and just explained what was sitting next to me on the screen!
2007 T-286SR Cherry/Granola, #6236, original owner, current mileage: 9473.8 (as of 6/18/21)
1997 T-2653 Blue Denim, #5471
1979 12 1/2' MC, Beige & Avocado, #4639
Past Sunlines: '97 T-2653 #5089, '94 T-2251, '86 T-1550, '94 T-2363, '98 T-270SR
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Old 04-10-2007, 07:14 AM   #7
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Thanks everyone for the information.
In looking at the 83 brochures that are posted, our layout is exactly the same as the T-2102. The interior has rust color cushions and valances with cream color curtains. I will get some pictures together and post them to show you all.

We have figured out the furnance,frig and stove but we are trying to find informaiton on the use of the water system. We want to make sure we use it properly so we don't destroy it. I have read some of the information on the site about the different things. We are going to flush the water system out this week and clean out all the tanks. It looks like all we will have to do is fill the fresh water holding tank and turn the waterpump on and see what we get. I am sure we will figure it out.

Thanks again for all the help and infromation. I will try to take some pictures and post them to show the camper to see if we have the right model or not.
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Old 06-21-2010, 03:40 PM   #8
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Need owners manual.

I just purchased a 1985 anniversary edition Sunline pull behind camper and would like to know if anyone knows where I can get a copy of an owners manual. It is a small camper measuring just 10 ft. 10 1/2 inches at its longest point. I cannot find a model number anywhere on it. Can anyone out there help me? I would really appreciate it.

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Old 06-21-2010, 05:09 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by markedward View Post
I just purchased a 1985 anniversary edition Sunline pull behind camper and would like to know if anyone knows where I can get a copy of an owners manual. It is a small camper measuring just 10 ft. 10 1/2 inches at its longest point. I cannot find a model number anywhere on it. Can anyone out there help me? I would really appreciate it.

From your description of the length, it sounds like you may have a Sunline Sunspot.. However, after looking at the 1985 brochure HERE the smallest thing offered, was a T-1250. That unit was 12' 10" long.

If you could, please post a picture or two for us.. The gurus here will identify it by sight!

One other thing.... Welcome to the club!!!
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Old 06-21-2010, 05:12 PM   #10
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I'm hoping your describing just the box length, tongue excluded. All Sunline lengths are referred to as an entire length, including the tongue.

If you have a 1250, please post some pics. The 1250's were so rare in the later years of that model, I don't think I've ever seen an '85 version. I don't think I've seen an '84 version of it either.

2007 T-286SR Cherry/Granola, #6236, original owner, current mileage: 9473.8 (as of 6/18/21)
1997 T-2653 Blue Denim, #5471
1979 12 1/2' MC, Beige & Avocado, #4639
Past Sunlines: '97 T-2653 #5089, '94 T-2251, '86 T-1550, '94 T-2363, '98 T-270SR
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Old 06-23-2010, 10:57 AM   #11
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I believe now that it is a T-1250. The entire length, tongue included is 12' 10 1/2", the box length is two feet shorter. If anybody knows where I can get a copy of an owners manual I would pay for it and I would be most appreciative.

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Old 06-23-2010, 11:15 AM   #12
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You might be rather disappointed as well. I have a 1985 T-1750 and the manual was still in it when I got it. It's a "all models" book, with no data specific to any particular camper. The more valuable thing I think is the assortment of original manuals for each appliance installed, and for that you might be able to find PDFs on the internet if you know the make and model of each appliance.
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Old 06-27-2010, 02:00 PM   #13
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Hey, Ted, thanks for your reply. I do have a 1985 T-1250. My problem is I am not familiar with the systems. When I turn on the water pump (after filling the potable water tank) something is leaking from beneath the camper on the opposite side of the unit and I can't seem to find out where it's coming from. There are probably open drain valves that I'm missing but without a schematic of the systems I'm at a loss. If anyone one out there has a copy of the 1985 owners manual they can email me I'd be grateful. Or perhaps you could point me to someplace on the web where I could download it. So far I haven't been able to find anything. Or perhaps you could instruct me as to where all the drain valves are located.
Thanks in advance for any help,

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Old 06-27-2010, 07:17 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by markedward View Post
.... something is leaking from beneath the camper on the opposite side of the unit and I can't seem to find out where it's coming from. ...
Yes, probably a low point drain valve. I have the original book with my 2363 but it doesn't show where the drain is so I had to search. Try looking for a door at floor level under/near the sink, as a first guess. I think a lot of us had to spend time with our "new to us" units just looking into every nook and crany and maybe taking pictures for later reference to find pipes and wiring.

Good luck,

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Old 06-28-2010, 09:32 AM   #15
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On mine I have at least 3 drains. One is at the end of the tank, the other 2 are in the line over close to the water heater.

As stated, that's NOT in the manual, only a generic diagram of a water system. For the specifics of what's where in your trailer, you have to go hunting.

I'll see if I can scan this book for you and the archives here at some point, but it might be a while before I can...

Ted Thompson

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