Several people responded to my call for a T-2499. Rick was right:
I totally agree with you that the T-2499 is the BEST. Unfortunately for me, I have ended an era of 5 wonderful Sunlines. I purchased a 2010 Gulfstream.
My wife is very ill and I needed a good bath/shower for her and a queen size bed , neither of which the T-1950. 2yrs ago we purchased a Class C motorhome and sold my 2499. One of my worst trades. When the doctor said my wife could not travel, I traded the RV for a new 06 T-1950 since that was the only one I could find after the company closed. I loved my Sunlines and am very sad. Thanks, For replying. jim
Thanks for everyone in the club that has responded to my request.
I was very proud to be in the Sunline Club and very happy to own 5 Sunline
T.Ts. Jim Wright
If the company ever rises again, I would like to be one of the first in line to purchase.