If you have a late model 2006 or 2007 T1950 the water heater & Pump were relocated from under the bed to under the sofa. The water tank was also relocated from under the bed inside the camper to underneath the living room floor on the outside, tucked between the frame rails, with a capacity increase to 40 Gallons.
If you look under the sofa skirt at the toe board you will see a metal grate similar to a furnace return grille. Remove this and you will see the water heater. Right at the front is a single bypass valve on the bottom fitting of the tank, the upper fitting has a check valve.
Attached is a photo of the valve configuration:

This shows you what position your bypass and low point drain valves should be in for normal use or winter storage.
The water pump is also under the sofa to your left as your looking at the water heater. As Kitty said; if there is a hose with an open end that would be for antifreeze pickup. if it is not there you may have to install one.
Sorry I don't have photos...it's too @#$!% cold & snowy outside for me to venture out tonite.