Originally Posted by mel davis
When using the hot water heater on gas, it creates soot on the outside of the camper. any suggestiond on how to fix this ? maybe an adjustment problem.l
Soot generally indicates incomplete combustion. So, check things that might impair clean burning. The large tube where the propane flame resides is semi-circular in nature. By removing a couple of sheet metal panels that are held in place by screws, you can easily open up access to the tube. Just a screw or two hold the propane tube in place, and then you can run a hose from a shop-vac all the way through and clean out the main combustion chamber. Another way to clean it is to use compressed air and blow it clear. Repair shops have a long flexible cleaning tool similar to a chimmney brush which they just run through a couple of times.
Spiders and other bugs like the propane and may nest in there. Their presence will block combustion.
Clean out the propane tube, and make sure the air vents are clean and free of any obstruction.
Put it all back together and fire it up. A good cleaning should eliminate most of your soot problem.
It is also possible that the propane tube and air vents near the pilot flame may have come out of adjustment. Most likely culprit is the screw that holds it together coming loose or falling out. The air intake gets moved about and that impairs proper combustion. Make sure all the screws are gently tight. (Don't over tighten anything as they are all just stamped sheet metal, and it's really easy to strip out a threaded hole.) There really isn't any adjustment here, but a loose air vent tube will most certainly affect the quality of the combustion.
This is an annual maintenance item for me, and I suspect, many of the other Sunline owners on the forum here.
If you aren't totally comfortable doing this the first time, take a few close-up pics of your hotwater heater and use them as a guide for putting things back together. Once you have successfully done this, you will be amazed at how easy it is.
And, if this isn't enough to get you pointed in the right direction, let me know and I'll post a pic of my water heater and we'll work on it some more.

'12 F250 4x4 Super Duty PowerStroke 6.7 diesel
2011 to present: '11 Cougar 326MKS
1999 to 2011: '99 Sunline T-2453
SUN264 * Amateur Radio kd2iat monitoring 146.52