Originally Posted by frank
Originally Posted by Sunline Fan
Here's what a MS Excel '07 looks like...this happens to be part of the Sunline Registry/Production Records:
Ctrl + Shift + PrtScrn key will "copy" a screenshot of the window that you can paste into a document, paint, or whatever graphics program. Much easier to see than a picture of the monitor
- Frank
Why paste it into a document? Document? The pic doesn't look like what OpenOffice looks like. I downloaded OpenOffice but I would need hours of schooling by someone who knows how to use such complicated software to teach me how to use it. There was nothing in the help-files about opening POI or CVS files or how to use spreadsheets or even explain what they are. This OpenOffice is not software for the average every day PC user. Isn't there something simpler to open such files? I wouldn't know how to get the POI files into this non-intuitive program to open them.