Factory Shutdown delays Trailer Delivery
Don't want to mess with GoodoleBob's happiness at getting his trailer...just wanted to update on what we've been told about ours.....
Background: We ordered a T-276-SR on Sept. 11th, we've been told several times by the factory that the trailer was scheduled to be done the week of the 16th of October, then.........
Today, according to LaRue, the factory is shutdown for "a week or two".
We've contacted our dealer, who in turn contacted the factory, and we've now been told "if the factory reopens next Monday, our trailer should be ready in a day or two." The dealer said "they will send someone to get it as soon as it is ready and they should be able to deliver it by the 28th."
I find it "comforting"(sacasism intended) that they would suspend production with units a "day or two" from delivery!! According to our dealer this is not unusual for them to do in the late fall/early winter.