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Old 07-09-2007, 11:47 AM   #1
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 46
SUN #329
Buying a Sunline at auction??

I called the Sunline dealer in Anniston, AL to check on a Sunline and he wanted WAY too much (IMO) for the one I wanted. He said he was taking all of his BRAND NEW Sunlines (NOT FEMA trailers, 8 in all) to the auction this Saturday night, so I was a little surprised at what he was asking for the 2753 I called on. ("The MSRP is around $30,000 but I could let you have it for $22,000" - no dealer warranty). I thought since he was fixin' to take it to auction he might ask a litle less. He did not want to hold it for me to come look at in Anniston, instead just told me where the auction was, so I'm assuming he expects to do well at auction or surely he would have been willing to work with me on seeing it at his lot??
Do y'all think it would get this much at auction?? I am trying to convince DH we should be there but would hate to drive all that way only to watch it go way over : ) Has anyone ever been to an rv auction and know if they generally end up pretty low, or really high? We have absolutely no experience with buying at auctions, so anyone who can offer info would be greatly appreciated! I have alist of the models he has if anyone is interested! BTW Sagon RV out of Jackson, GA is apparently taking theirs, too, although they aren't in the best of shape.
The auction is at http://www.nashvillepowersportauctio...entauction.cfm

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Old 07-09-2007, 03:55 PM   #2
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I don't know if they would bring that much at auction, but it also depends on the reserve, if there is one. The auction catalog isn't up yet to tell if there is one or not, but if there is, the reserve/starting bid will probably be high. I wouldn't be surprised if they have someone from their dealer there to start the bidding and get it up high. I've never been to one of these to see how it would go.

I'd say it's all up to you if you want to go or not. The results of the auction will all depend on how bad the dealer wants to get rid of the units.


2007 T-286SR Cherry/Granola, #6236, original owner, current mileage: 9473.8 (as of 6/18/21)
1997 T-2653 Blue Denim, #5471
1979 12 1/2' MC, Beige & Avocado, #4639
Past Sunlines: '97 T-2653 #5089, '94 T-2251, '86 T-1550, '94 T-2363, '98 T-270SR
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Old 07-09-2007, 04:40 PM   #3
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SUN #329
It sure seems a long way to drag them only to set a high reserve! I will keep an eye out for the catalog, hope they post it REAL soon, since the auction is Saturday
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Old 07-09-2007, 04:42 PM   #4
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I hope they post it soon too. I remember the Sunline auction catalog didn't get posted until the day or two before the auction.

2007 T-286SR Cherry/Granola, #6236, original owner, current mileage: 9473.8 (as of 6/18/21)
1997 T-2653 Blue Denim, #5471
1979 12 1/2' MC, Beige & Avocado, #4639
Past Sunlines: '97 T-2653 #5089, '94 T-2251, '86 T-1550, '94 T-2363, '98 T-270SR
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Old 07-10-2007, 08:48 AM   #5
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SUN #196
Originally Posted by Sunline Fan
I wouldn't be surprised if they have someone from their dealer there to start the bidding and get it up high.

This is illegal, and both the RV place and the auctioneer will lose thier lisence. If this happens, report them to state authorities.

However, I buy stuff at auctions all the time. Stuff usually does go cheaper. He can't hold it for you because he has already signed an agreement with thte auction co. Usually car dealers do this because they want to unload an item they do not want on thier lot (mabe he has had it for a while, or other folks are asking about the co. ?) I would think if anything, you would have to watch out for other dealers looking to resall, but you can always beat thier bid because they have to make money on the unit, whereas you do not have that overhead. Call the RV dealer, and ask if they have a reserve, or what thier starting bid will be.

I would DEFINATELY GO!!!! You will get a chance to see the unit, and auctions are WAY FUN (I furnshed my college apartment for less than 150 bucks at auctions!! I am an auction JUNKIE!!! Once you go to an auction, you will be bitten by the bug! ) Remember to call the auction house ahead of time to ask for payment terms, and remember you will pay a house fee on top of what you pay for the RV (usually 10% of the price). The fee goes to the auctioneer, and covers operating expenses. Also, you usually have a very short time period to get your stuff off of the lot, so you should ask that.

If you absolutely can't go you can leave a "Left Bid" at most auction houses. The house will bid on your behalf, up to your left bid amount. (Kind of like an e-bay proxy bid. I think you can trust most auction houses, as they know that people there will report them if they are not honest! ). you may also be able to bid by phone, but the ability to do this varies by auction house, so it may be worth asking.

If I were you, I would SO GO!!!! You very well may go and not get the unit. Or you get a STEAL!!!!! Either way, I promise you you will have fun. Gosh, I wanna go!
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Old 07-10-2007, 08:53 AM   #6
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SUN #196
As a side note, I have heard of these folks (have family in the area!), and they are a reputable house from what I hear.
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Old 07-13-2007, 06:14 PM   #7
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I think an auction would be a great place to get your Sunline for a great price. But, if they don't sell at the auction due to high reserve the dealer would probably be much more receptive to your offer.


Paul & Jan
Columbia, Missouri
2014 Cougar 31RKS, 2012 blue Oval F 250 XLT 6.2 L, 6 speed, 4 X 4.

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