HA, just checking to see if things are working now. Well, since I'M here, I might as well write something. It's currently a cool 50 degrees, bright and "SUNNY". Passed a lot of places on my morning bus run that had HEAVY frost, BRRR. 54 more days of work for me, then I'll be FREE, well free for the summer. Our roadway is starting to dry out and firm up a but, man I wish we could afford to have it paved, unfortunately we are not the only ones using it, there are 4 other households and I know they won't all chip in to have it paved, but it sure is a nice thought.
Gary & I were discussing the RV Port for the 311 last night, hum, might call and get estimate. OK, called for estimate, a 16'wide X 36'long certified carport would run us 2290.00 plus tax. That is delivered & installed.
HUM, now where did we put those penny jars