Dragged into RV world
New to this site. My experience with RVs is from my early teens with my parents in an Apache 18’ TT. I did enjoy the trips we took. After a few years they bought a Winnebago motorhome. Took one trip in that and enjoyed it too. Fast forward 40 some years and my wife got a bug about getting an RV. She searched ads constantly until she found a cheap one that she thought would be a good starter. You know, fix it up a little, not too much money involved. Haha. I was against it!!! Guess what? I lost the battle. She bought a 1989 Sunline T1740. Hot water heater doesn’t work according to seller. No shower. Needs cleaning up inside. New cushions and such. No dinette. Should be one in front section?
Oh, by the way I’m 6’2” and the ceiling is 6’1”. Just great, now I have to stoop to move around and really duck walking past the ceiling A/C unit. This RV must have had some type of fairy dust or something in the air, ‘cause now I’m getting excited about fixing this thing up.
I will try to post pics of the inside and out later. We had a lot of snow in the Philly area, so once it melts I can get a real good look underneath.
I think I finally found out where to start a post.